MovieChat Forums > The Bronze (2016) Discussion > How'd Maggie get high?

How'd Maggie get high?

All Hope put in that shake was some cannibis plants. So why was Maggie acting like she was high after drinking it? Or is the writer of this such a dummy he doesn't know how marijuana works? Seriously, what kind of square nerds made this movie and nobody said to the director, "hey moron, you know you can't get high from just eating raw weed right?" The employees must be scared to talk negatively to who ever made this film, like with George Lucas.

I thought it was funny at first, because I thought it was just Hope being a dummy and thinking you can just eat weed and get high because she's so naive and childlike. But it wasn't the character apparently, because Maggie does somehow get like totally stoned out dude. Apparently, the director of this movie is even dumber than Hope the fictional character.


Pot Brownies, look it up.


Pot brownies don't actually work like that either, hon.

You don't just stir pot in the brownie mix and bake it. You won't get high because that kills the THC. You melt the marijuana in butter, and then make the brownies as you normally would using the pot-infused melted butter.

Maggie wouldn't have gotten high like she was in the film from simply digesting grounded up marijuana leaves.


Bonding THC to fat or alcohol just makes it absorb into your blood stream a lot more efficiently. You can still ingest something with a large amount of THC in it and get high, even though most of it will pass through your system without being absorbed.

The problem with eating raw buds is that they mostly contain THCA which is non-psychoactive, but converts to THC when exposed to heat. If she heated the weed up in an oven before blending it in the shake it would have worked, but since it showed her dumping the weed out of a bag, it's highly unlikely she did this.

Still, enough THCA could have been converted in the curing process if it was really high quality weed, and it was a pretty large amount, so it's very reasonable to believe she got high from drinking the shake.

And even if it was completely impossible to get high from eating raw cannabis, there's a thing called artistic license. So, just pretend the movie takes place in an alternate universe where the laws of chemistry and biology are slightly different from our own.


It is completely impossible, and given the type of movie this is, it makes it feel inauthentic. Also, it's just lazy, you'd think they'd google it or something or just know that from bein in California. Don't have square nerds make a movie about f'd up junkie trashbags.


It's probably impossible to get high from eating freshly picked buds, but not from properly cured ones; it just depends on how potent the strain is, how much THCA was converted to THC, and how much was ingested.

There are tons of posts on various forums from people claiming to have gotten high from eating weed, I doubt that all of them just felt a placebo effect, or were lying. Sure, the people who ate some and thought they felt a little more relaxed were most likely only feeling a placebo effect.

But, for the people who claim to feel the more pronounced psychedelic effects of marijuana from eating it; I don't believe it can be attributed to placebo. People take bunk drugs all the time and don't feel anything, shouldn't they still feel something if the whole placebo effect phenomenon was really that prevalent?


It's entirely placebo if you've heard such reports. Either that or they somehow heated the plant without knowing it, maybe they left it in a hot trunk in Florida or something, then MAYBE it would be possible. I eat that plant all the time, they even sell the seeds in the grocery store, it's the best food for you to eat. If you want to get high though, you need to heat it and preferably mix with a thick butter to use in brownies or whatever. I get high off grilled cheese sandwiches myself.


I still don't think it's impossible. Even if each bud you eat had 1% THC and 99% THCA in it; if you eat enough, some of that THC is bound to be absorbed into your blood stream. Granted, you'll almost certainly get sick and throw up before you're able to get high, it's still theoretically possible.

Also, no offense, but you have no idea what's going on inside the brains of the people making the claims. To say that it's entirely a placebo effect is being presumptuous. Some people are extremely sensitive to certain substances, and can feel the effects at a much lower dose than normal.

Personally, I'm very skeptical as to the extent of placebo effects. Someone who isn't me has told me that they have taken countless illicit substances, and legal ones, that have had absolutely no discernible effects whatsoever. Obviously not everyone is susceptible to psychosomatic occurrences.

As for the movie, maybe the friction from the blending process was able to generate enough heat to produce some more THC. I've read that when blending fruits and vegetables, you shouldn't blend them for too long because the heat could destroy some of the nutrients.

Or, you can just imagine some scenario where the weed was unintentionally exposed to heat. Or that she purposefully heated it up the night before; it seems unlikely, but she could have researched it or heard about it from one of her friends who knew how to bake pot brownies. Sometimes you have to fill in the blanks yourself to enjoy a movie.

Essentially, since it isn't shown what circumstances the weed went through between being harvested and being dumped in the blender, and seeing that it was a fairly substantial amount, it's not unjustifiable to believe that the character got high from consuming it.


That was cold juice in the blender. I am an experienced weed chef. It's definitely not possible no matter what anecdotes you have, I know from experience. Just weirdly lazy writing.


It wouldn't matter if the liquid was cold, the molecules in the immediate vicinity of the blades would have been heated as the plant matter was pulverized, and then cooled as they dispersed. I'm not saying this would have been as good a heating the weed up in a oven or microwave, just that it might have been enough to add to the overall total of THC.

A single individual's personal experience doesn't prove anything. Not everyone has the same tolerance and level of sensitivity to THC as you do. There's a reason why clinical drug trials are conducted on a large group of people.

If it was only a couple of buds I would definitely agree with you, but you have to admit it was a large bag of weed. If the character had consumed the equivalent in actual edibles she most likely would have been freaking out or catatonic.


If she would have smoked all of that weed she would have OD'd.


You have to heat weed up well over 300 degrees to be able to eat or drink it and get high. It also usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour to take effect. Kind of bugged me but I understand they had to do it to make it work.


They really didn't. She could have dumped some ecstasy or practically any other drugs in there. It's just lazy poor writing.


so you're saying it's poor writing then? I just wanted to make sure i didn't misunderstand since you only said it 20 times. obsess much?


She put a ton of pot in that shake. Yes, absorption is lower than smoked but still enough to make her high.
