MovieChat Forums > Felt (2014) Discussion > This is a good movie, but a bad statemen...

This is a good movie, but a bad statement for feminism.

I want to preface this by saying that I really like this movie. The style, tone, music, direction, everything about it was really cool. I love small, dark stories like this, and this one was definitely a unique experience.

That being said, if this movie was truly meant to be a feminist statement (as a lot of interviews and articles have said), then I disagree with it, and contrary to it's intentions, I think the film actually inadvertently exposes one of the movement's biggest problems.

The movie does a great job showing the ramifications of sexual trauma and what it's like to constantly navigate a hostile male environment, but the ending completely undermines any lasting meaning this movie could have had. I want to be clear: I don't think there's anything wrong with the ending if the movie were simply about one disturbed individual's story, but it's not. From the mouth of the star and co-writer herself: "I think that’s important that people see that this isn’t one person’s story — this is addressing a greater climate and culture."

The movie offers an eye-opening (if not maybe a little bias) perspective, but the ending offers no solutions to the climate and culture the film is trying to change. Instead it serves only to perpetuate the negative stereotype of "man-hating" feminism, which is exactly the kind of thing that keeps people from taking feminism seriously.

I'd like to finish by reiterating that I do really like this movie, but only once I exclude the pretense of making a lasting statement. As a statement: It tackled some important issues and brought up some good points, but in the end I think it handled it's message irresponsibly.


Spot on.
