Who sent the video?

Sorry, I missed some episodes. Did she send it to ultimately extort her boss and her company? Was the whole crying thing an act? Is she that diabolical? If not, who sent it and why?


We are never told for certain. She left her phone in Jack's apt and when she retrieved it, it was lit up as if he had been going through it. Jack was harassing her at work and stalking her at school and wanted revenge. If he didn't send it, why did he suddenly stop harassing her at the same time the video was emailed? And if Christine sent the email, why did she go into the ladies room and check her phone to see who was in the audience for the email? Seems to me Jack had to have sent it.


People on the board seem to be 50/50 on who they think sent it. About half the people think Jack sent it and about half think she sent it herself.

I think part of the reason people think she sent it herself is because even her own mother thinks she sent it. She goes home for her parents 30th anniversary and she gets a cold reception to say the least. So she decides to cut her visit short and while her Dad is driving her to the airport she tells him, "I did not send that video. It was my ex-boyfriend. He was mad I broke up with him."

So, her Dad relays that info to her Mom and her mom says, (paraphrasing) "Oh please, she sent it herself. She has always craved attention. She has always been selfish."

But, I personally still think Jack sent it.

I also think that once she figured out what was going on she decided to use it to her advantage and not be the victim. She went on the offensive instead of the defense by recording people and faking the panic attack (yes, I think that was totally fake). I mean, the girl was not dumb, that is for sure.

I also think that she had a weird relationship with her parents. Probably because of her inability to truly connect with people. She could of handled the situation with her parents in a much better way, IMO. But she chose to sort of thumb her nose at them saying, "fine, you want to think this way about me, go right ahead, I could care less."

Crazy Cat Lady in Training 


While I think Jack definitely sent the email video, I think the value of having Christine's own mother disbelieve the story that an ex-boyfriend sent it is to show her mother believes Christine is working as a prostitute. Even though the video was publicly circulated, she won a settlement from Kirkland for wrongful dismissal and refuted the story in an interview while claiming she and an ex-boyfriend were role playing. Other than her saying on the video that she was turned on by having sex for money, there was no reason for her family to think she was an escort if they believed the video only showed her role playing with a boyfriend. But her sister asked her if she planned to work as an escort forever and her mother clearly believed she was a prostitute. So for the sake of the story, it was important that her mother and sister not believe Christine's story about the video.


But wasn't the video made by the guy who was hired by the family of the man she slept with who left her a half million when he died? I don't remember her having a copy of the video. I think he showed it to her, that's all. So she couldn't have sent it and neither could her client who was stalking her. However, his voice was distorted so someone was protecting his identity, right? Yes, it was sent from her email but email can be hacked. Besides, didn't the guy hired by the family threaten her with ruin, didn't he say everyone will know you're a prostitute? I think he sent it, but she was smart enough to turn it into a sexual harassment lawsuit.


The bottom-line intent is to leave it as an unanswered question. The series is very well written; if the producers\writers wanted the answer to be one way or another, they would have made it clear. Its left unclear intentionally. It leans towards Jack, but that is like saying there is a 70% chance he did, and a 30% chance he didn't.


No, the video was of her and Jack. It was a close-up video with audio, not the long distance ones the hired P.I. was taking through windows. And there is no indication that she had ever seen it or was aware that Jack had recorded it.


It was definitely Jack. She was heartless. Why would she care anything about disguising Jack's voice in the video? If anything she wanted to expose him like she did with his girlfriend/wife.

No way she sent that video to her FAMILY and colleagues and went out of her way to protect Jack.



It baffles me that anyone would think otherwise.


Excellent point. Jack's revenge was to expose her to her family and coworkers as a prostitute. But he had to distort his voice to avoid any possible prosecution for soliciting.


But he had to distort his voice to avoid any possible prosecution for soliciting.

That's what makes me lean more towards Jack than she. I don't think she cared THAT much for Jack to distort his voice before sending it out on her own benefit, however the clear shot of HER and the distorted voice makes me think it was him.

For some reason, I didn't think she did it at first, I was not feeling Erin so much as someone who was her 'friend'. I wouldn't have been surprised is she was seeing Jack too and did this. I could still see that.

Her mom, well that family was shown to be disjointed to say the least, and the mom blaming her just goes to try to show the point of mother-daughter dysfunction (and competition for attention)but mom may have a point.

consequences-schmonsequences as long as I'm rich.🐇


If it was Jack, why did he send it? Is he just a nutcase? I don't see what he had to gain.


If it was Jack, why did he send it? Is he just a nutcase? I don't see what he had to gain.

Christine got in contact with someone in his personal life and said she was being stalked by Jack. He was enraged with Christine for cutting him off when, in his mind, he was simply trying to apologize.


But if that's how he got his revenge, by destroying her life, then he's insane.


But if that's how he got his revenge, by destroying her life, then he's insane.

He represents a trait a lot guys have, especially rich\powerful ones, they can't handle rejection. The episode also illiterated how Christine is clueless in how to handle him. Pretty much everything she does makes the matter worse, which drives him to release the video. She could have prevented it, but she didn't know how deal with situation. One simple way would be to manipulate him into rejecting her. His ego is satisfied and he then move on to find another pretty\young escort.


If he did it, and if he gets caught doing it, his life is destroyed. You have to be insane to take that risk.


I was certain it was the PI in an attempt to expose her. I never even considered Jack.


I'd say Jack.


Considering her personality, I'd say she did it.


Yes, she is diabolical. She filmed herself with David Tellis after he had "broken up" with her with the intention of having that be some sort of backup plan and ammunition to give herself an edge in the company. This video I believe she would have used to extort her boss and the company.

However, the video that was sent out was - in my opinion - clearly sent out by Jack. He did to her exactly what she was doing to David Tellis. A taste of her own medicine, so to say.

I believe it was Jack for these reasons. One, the fact that he prompted her to say that she enjoys being paid for sex. Two, because she had no reason to block out his face and distort his voice. Three, because she was clearly upset. This was the first time we see her show some extreme emotion, and I don't believe that she would have faked that. She's a liar, diabolical, scheming, selfish, and a million other things, but that seemed genuine to me.

So, she already had ammunition to take down David Tellis that did not include her admitting to being an escort. I see no motivation for her to use that video when she had the one of David Tellis available. That would have made her look like a victim and made no hint of her being an escort. Why bring that bit of attention to herself?

Jack had a ton of motivation to send the video. Her rejection, his paranoia, her telling his friend that he was stalking her (which would have been humiliating), and so forth. They made clear to show the audience that he had accessed her phone.

So, he sent it, it hurt her, and she scrambled to cover it by going through with the sexual harassment with David Tellis, which she would have done eventually in my opinion, but Jack's actions took her by surprise.

Of course, this is just my own opinion. It seems like many people have their own opinion in this case, and strong ones at that.

What a lovely day!


Jack sent it. Thats why his voice was altered. Cmon People.



She altered his voice to make it look like he sent it. She sent it to extort money from her company and it worked. If you remember, he had her phone for only a minute, that doesn't give him time to hack her email. Think about it, if he had the video already on his computer with his voice altered, how did he get to her phone's email and send it from her phone in under a minute?


He did.


1. He didn't send the video within a minute of seeing her phone. She had her phone back and even spent time with him as a client after that. He didn't send the video until much later after she stopped seeing him. In the time he had her phone, all he needed to do was note her email address to hack into it later. He could have also been looking at her phone while she slept.

2. When she first saw the video at work, she scrolled through the addressees to see who had received it. If she sent it herself she would have already known who received it. As she did that in the privacy of the ladies room stall, she cried and wiped away the tears before going back into the office. If this was all part of her plan, she wouldn't have cried in private and she would have wanted the tears to be seen.

3. She previously forfeited a half million dollar inheritance from Michael because the PI his family hired threatened to expose her secret life to family and coworkers. But when the video was sent, all those people found out about her anyway. She then tried to turn it to her advantage and it worked. But she had no idea how the law firm would handle the situation so she couldn't know she would get a settlement or how much she could get even get if she did. She would not have forfeited a half million dollar inheritance to hide her secret life from her family and coworkers and then send them the video to take a chance she might win money from the law firm. And even if she wanted to do that, she didn't need to also send the video to her family. She could have extorted money from David Tellis based on what she already had on him (his collusion in a case and the fact he was married but sleeping with an intern). She could have done that without exposing herself in the video.


Perfectly put.

The fact that she had a video of Tellis is already enough reasoning as to why it would never make sense that she sent out the one of her and Jack, especially since the one sent out makes her look suspicious (liking being paid for sex) while the one with Tellis is far "safer".

What a lovely day!


I still think it was all an act, even the crying in the stall. She turned it around in her favor in a heartbeat of the video being sent. She turned on her phone audio immediately and immediately went about building a case of sexual harassment. So if you believe the boyfriend sent it, then you also have to believe she is a brilliant con artist, completely unaffected by the video and was instantly in the attack mode to win a million dollar settlement.


Yes, you got it. While it's pretty clear she did not send the video, she went into immediate damage control and turned it into her advantage. She was humiliated in the office but heard the comments being made about her and recorded them in case she would need them later. She didn't want to be fired. When her new boss Skip said she could go home, she opted to stay and tried to act like the video was no big deal. But once she was fired, she faked a panic attack to make herself look like a victim. At that point, she had no idea she would win a settlement but she was trying to turn the odds in her favor. And it worked.


She was recording conversations before Jack ever sent the video. You make it sound as though the email was sent and then she started plotting. She was already planning to con them, or at least have some sort of blackmail, long before the email.

You also still haven't acknowledged the question I asked earlier. If you believe that she sent the video herself, explain to me why she would choose to send a video that does not have anyone from the firm in it AND in which she admits to liking being paid for sex (making them suspicious that she is an escort), instead of leaking the video of David Tellis that has him looking like he would fire her if she didn't have sex with him. One video makes her look suspicious, the other does not. What is the motivation? If she had just went ahead with the David Tellis video, instead of settling in the lawsuit so that they didn't dig deeper into the comments made, she would have been able to continue forward with a stronger case and won much, much more.

Lastly, she tells us exactly what happens in the resturant scene with David. She says "she dealt with it", or something along those lines, in regard to the email and then how she twisted it all into her favor...just like the lawyer she wanted to be would.

What a lovely day!



"Blindsided" opens where the last episode ends, albeit from a different angle. Jack is calling Christine incessantly on her work phone. When she decides to pick up, it's David on the other line, calling her into his office. At the end of "Provocation," David receives an email seemingly from Christine's personal account (although, considering its contents, it's obvious she's been hacked). In that sequence, we didn't see what David was watching, but it was clear that Jack recorded one of his encounters with Christine. In this episode, it's clear just how explicit the video is. Jack's face can't be seen and his voice is altered; Christine is in full view of the camera while they have sex.

Another detail often forgotten when people question who sent the video. Jack's sudden stop of his behavior....after it was sent.

It was obviously a desperate move on his part, his revenge for no longer being seen by her. In this list ditch effort, he decides to screw her over completely and let it destroy her career, her reputation, and her other relationships.

What a lovely day!


Why would she send a video of herself with Jack when she had a video of herself with Tellis? What motivation would she have? Secondly, what motivation would she have to send a video of herself with Jack admitting on camera that she "likes being paid for sex" when she has a perfect video of Tellis saying that he would fire her if he didn't sleep with her?

What a lovely day!


That's easy, 2 reasons, because if she sent the Tellis video from her own email she would be seen instantly as a manipulator looking for a sexual harassment lawsuit win. And secondly, she would be accused of recording him without his permission, clearly showing it was a setup. She needed to have someone else send the video and there was no one else to send it. But the Jack video she could send and blame it on a jealous boyfriend who allegedly hacked her email account, therefore she is an innocent victim. The Jack video was a consensual role-play video they both knew was being recorded, the Tellis was not. The Tellis video would have brought up the question "who recorded it and why", and she didn't want to answer that question. The jack video was easily explained by her and easily won the lawsuit. It also left her off the hook in her mind, with her family, because she didn't send it, she was a victim. She also doesn't care what anyone thinks of her choices. I think she sent it and will not be surprised if the show never tells us for sure.


That's easy, 2 reasons, because if she sent the Tellis video from her own email she would be seen instantly as a manipulator looking for a sexual harassment lawsuit win. And secondly, she would be accused of recording him without his permission, clearly showing it was a setup.

You're assuming that she would have set up the "scandal" in the same way. She was still in the middle of collecting the evidence and information she needed to expose the company. You're also assuming she was looking for a sexual harassment lawsuit win to begin with, when in reality it was clear that what she was trying to do was expose the firm for what was going on (in which she never even got the whole story). This is the motivation your justification ignores and that she herself admits to Tellis in the restaurant. She "dealt" with the video by using what she had available to swing it into her favor. She was clearly on a path to a completely different endgame before the email went through.

The title of the episode is "Blindsided". "Christine's worlds collide, forcing her to devise a way to come out on top."

But the Jack video she could send and blame it on a jealous boyfriend who allegedly hacked her email account, therefore she is an innocent victim. The Jack video was a consensual role-play video they both knew was being recorded, the Tellis was not.

That is the lawyer rhetoric of Christine's defense being written in the argument like that was the point they were trying to get across. It was very clearly not consensual and Christine clearly did not know about it unless you're trying to imply they wasted a whole episode showing how psychotic Jack was, how Christine studied the cameras to see if someone broke in, ect. Not to mention the question I asked in another post:

Why did Jack stop calling the moment the email was sent?

And secondly, the title then becomes "Fabrication". "Christine goes on the counter-attack, in an attempt to force a settlement with Kirkland & Allen, while exploring more anonymous ways to service her GFE clients.

The jack video was easily explained by her and easily won the lawsuit.

She did not win, she settled, or did you miss the part where she is frustrated with her lawyer and why she couldn't get more money? He warned her of what would happen if they dug any deeper, and that was as good as she was going to get.

I'm not arguing whether or not she is diabolical or a good person. Like her parents say in the final episodes, it did not seem unbelievable that she would do something like that. But the whole point was that for once, she didn't do something. That was why she was so upset. That is why the final episode closes it all together.

She was in full control. The suite, the players, everything. That was what she learned from the situation. The title of the episodes and their descriptions tell us exactly what's going on. I think people are so used to twists and expecting/seeing more than what's being presented. They weren't trying to trick the viewers. The reason it's never said black or white who sent the video is because that ultimately isn't the point. But what you're framing - in my opinion - doesn't match what they say in the "into the episode" fragments, any analysis that I've read online (and linked), nor what most people seem to be arguing here.

And the only defense I've read about Christine being the one who sent it is the defense the lawyers say for her ;)

It's probably one of those things no one will ever fully agree about unless someone comes right out and says it (a writer or the actress), but there is too much evidence in the titles, episode descriptions, "into the episode" segments, and what is presented on screen for me to consider that Christine actually sent it....other than the fact that the writers purposely present it to make it look like she could/would have.

What a lovely day!


I think people are so used to twists and expecting/seeing more than what's being presented. They weren't trying to trick the viewers.

I agree. You can read too much into things. Nothing at all makes sense that she would ruin her own career and family by sending a video that she had no idea at the time what the outcome of that action would be, and that the guy who was obsessed with getting revenge did nothing and quietly disappeared at the same time the video was sent.

I think the red herring is her mother not believing Christine's story about the video. But for the story, her family had to be dealing with her life as an escort. If they believed the video was from an ex-boyfriend while they role-played, they could not have advanced the story about her family finding out about her. Even if her family didn't believe Christine sent the video, all that really mattered was that they believed the video showed her as a prostitute.

As far as collecting evidence of collusion in the XHP case, I saw that only as her trying to use that (as well as sex with Tellis) to advance her law career. She certainly wasn't a do-gooder out to expose a fraudulent lawyer. She just wanted to gain an advantage at the firm and the more evidence she had against them, the more leverage she would have. She was quick to give evidence to Erin as soon as Erin took over the case. So if sex with Tellis didn't advance her law career, maybe sucking up to Erin would.


Even if her family didn't believe Christine sent the video, all that really mattered was that they believed the video showed her as a prostitute.


Also, with seeing how close the daughter and mother are, I believe the mother knows the truth. That is why she took it so hard. Christine admitting she didn't send the video wasn't the issue. If the mom knew the truth from her sister, than the video only confirmed it. That is why she is so unforgiving.

What a lovely day!


Also, with seeing how close the daughter and mother are, I believe the mother knows the truth. That is why she took it so hard. Christine admitting she didn't send the video wasn't the issue. If the mom knew the truth from her sister, than the video only confirmed it.

Her sister was shocked by the video and Christine told her she didn't send it but didn't explain anything else. Her sister said, "I know what you were doing. I can't even say it out loud." Christine replied, "Then don't say it out loud." So it seemed that Christine realized her sister knew she was an escort and didn't deny it. Subsequent to the visit home, her sister visited her and asked if she planned to be an escort forever. It was never clear to me how her sister knew what she was doing since Christine never admitted to anything. How did her sister know?


Yes. She recorded Tellis and her having sex right after he reassigned her as an intern. She was in a competitive intern program and wanted to be one of the 2 interns who would receive jobs afterwards. Sleeping with Tellis was probably intended to greatly help her chances. When he reassigned her, she not only approached him about sleeping with him again but also recorded it in case she needed to blackmail him later. She also gave evidence of his collusion to Erin, trying to get in good with her when Erin took over the XHP account. All of this seems to have been done to better her position at the law firm. So I think she very much wanted her law career. There is no reason to believe she would torpedo that career by sending the video (and there would have been no need for her family to see it if it was a plot against the law firm). In fact, when the the PI threatened to expose her secret to family and coworkers, she looked terrified and could barely even speak. And she had already forfeited the half-million dollar inheritance in order to make sure all those same people never found out about her secret life. It's also relevant that Jack was obsessed with tormenting her and getting revenge and was never heard from again once his video was sent.


Nailed it again ^

Another thing people forget: she recorded Tellis AFTER he reassigned her. And as I also keep repeating:

It's also relevant that Jack was obsessed with tormenting her and getting revenge and was never heard from again once his video was sent.

What a lovely day!


How is her mother so sure she is a full-time prostitute just from the jack video. I wouldn't have come to that conclusion. I would think, I don't know what the truth is.


That's you. You're not her mother, lol. She knows her daughter and has said this is something she would do.

What a lovely day!


How is her mother so sure she is a full-time prostitute just from the jack video. I wouldn't have come to that conclusion. I would think, I don't know what the truth is.

Episode 10 established that the video and story of her firing from the law firm were all over the internet. Her lawyer told her a "Chicago Lister" website ran a story about it. When she checked her phone, all the stories named her in a sex scandal. When she visited her family, her sister said they hadn't heard from Christine since the video was emailed to them and her mother said they hadn't heard from her in weeks. Her mother also said "Do you think I'm happy seeing you all over the internet like that?"

All of which means that her mother had weeks to see and think about this video of her daughter having sex while saying she liked being paid for it. Christine had not contacted her family to refute what was said in the video, i.e., that she was only role playing with a boyfriend. Her mother was hearing this for the first time after having weeks to digest that her daughter was a prostitute based on what was seen and heard on the video. I guess by the time her mother heard otherwise (from Christine's father), she had already accepted that her daughter was a prostitute and probably felt that if it wasn't true, Christine would have told them weeks ago. Not to mention that Christine told her father it wasn't true but never even tried to explain anything to her mother. Maybe her mother felt that Christine knew better than to BS her.


So basically, her mother believes tabloid news over her own daughter? It makes no sense unless the writers are saying the mother is a bad mother. I would never judge a friend based on what happened, much less a daughter.


So basically, her mother believes tabloid news over her own daughter? It makes no sense unless the writers are saying the mother is a bad mother. I would never judge a friend based on what happened, much less a daughter.

Her daughter didn't tell her anything. Her daughter let her see a video for weeks of her having sex and saying she liked being paid for it and never contacted her family with any sort of explanation. Even back home for the party, she never gave her mother any explanation whatsoever. The only time the mother ever heard anything different was when the father returned from the airport and relayed what Christine said to him. The mother doubted that because Christine had never offered any explanation at all in the weeks since the video was emailed to them and still hadn't said that to the mother during her visit.


Maybe I'm crazy but I thought it was possible her ex-roommate sent it, out of jealousy that Christine in essence "took over" her job. How she acquired the video, I don't know....but if she used to live there, couldn't she have cams up?

Maybe I'm way off-base here but just a thought.

"This is dead air, Barry....dead air."


You're way off base. Avery was long gone by the time Jack recorded their sex in HIS place, not Christine's old apartment.


Aaah ok. Interesting how Avery left suddenly though....never to impact the story again.

"This is dead air, Barry....dead air."


Aaah ok. Interesting how Avery left suddenly though....never to impact the story again.

There was also an early episode in which we saw Christine's first apartment with a male roommate. He had a girl spend the night and Christine met her the next morning. He told Christine that his new girlfriend was having a party and invited Christine. Christine asked him. "Did you tell her about us?" He said, "Not yet. But I'm sure she'll understand. It's in the past." So this established that Christine and that guy had once been involved with one another but it was never again mentioned and had no impact on the story.


I think I made a mistake. I was talking about her female friend, the one who introduced her to the agency and the lifestyle...not the former male roommate.

My bad.

"This is dead air, Barry....dead air."


I think I made a mistake. I was talking about her female friend, the one who introduced her to the agency and the lifestyle...not to former male roommate.

My bad.

No, you were clear. I was only saying that the issue you noted wasn't the only time an issue was introduced in the plot and then never followed up.


Aaah ok, got it.

"This is dead air, Barry....dead air."


I don't understand what Christine's agenda was for sending the email. I don't think she faked the panic attack or anything. She was receiving calls from Jack who called her a **** and then she hung up on him. He kept trying to call her back but she did not answer.

She came into David's office with her phone in her pocket, attempting to record, because she thought he found out that she knew about the illegal deal he made. She was surprised when he showed the video, because she had assumed it had to do with him, not her.

I also do not think she was recording that sex scene herself, sos he had no idea of its existence...


She didn't send it. Jack did out of spite. He swore revenge and stopped bothering her after that.


It's indeed her. No need to look for hidden clues...

Her mother said at the end of the twelfth and penultimate episode that it was her.

This are simples narratives rules :

By default (unless the contrary is proved in the script), a mother loves you unconditionally. So, if your mother (not antagonistic) found you guilty, then you are probably guilty.

If your mother said so, and no evidence to the contrary is never indicated thereafter, it is you !

In the end, Christine had to make a choice, either be a lawyer or be an escort. In the last episode she makes a clear choice. By sending this video she mainly found an excuse to be an escort at full time since she's now blacklisted as a lawyer...

(sorry if bad english).


Father: "That video was shot by a jealous ex-boyfriend."

Mother: "Boyfriend? Don't be naive."

They were discussing who filmed it; not who sent it.

The video showed her having sex and saying it turned her on to be paid for it. Who sent it was not the point of that conversation. They were discussing who shot it. Her mother believed she was watching a video of her daughter working as a prostitute. In the following episode, her sister asked Christine if she was going to work as an escort forever. The issue for her family was that Christine was a prostitute. It didn't matter who sent it. If they thought Christine had sent them a video of her role playing with an ex-boyfriend, it would not have made them think she was an escort.

Furthermore, the narrative established that Jack was angry, stalking, vengeful and threatening. He previously had access to her phone and was calling her on her work phone. It makes no sense that he suddenly stopped harassing her at the same time the video was sent to her family and office if he was not the one who sent it.

In addition, she previously turned down a half million dollar inheritance to prevent her family and office from finding out the exact thing they learned from the video. At no time was she portrayed as clairvoyant and knew she would get more money if they fired her. Nor would she have needed to include her family in the audience of the video even if she had been clairvoyant.

Furthermore, had she sent the video herself, she would not have gone into the privacy of the ladies room to check the email and see who it had been sent to.

So her mother did not say she sent it (she only said she didn't think the man who shot the video was an ex-boyfriend) and there is plenty of evidence to the contrary if you think she sent it.


I watched the show in french. Here how it was translated :

Father in the car : About this video...
Christine : I did not sent it...
Christine : It was a jealous boyfriend
Father : Do you want me to break his knees
Christine : No I will make him pay (has never happened)


Father in the garden : You know for this video, this is her jealous boyfriend who sent it
Mother : Her boyfriend ?
Mother : Don't be so naive... She always love to draw attention ! She does not mind to saddens others. She is selfish. That's the truth.

After these scenes, unless I am mistaken, the narrative never mentioned Jack !

But in fact, it is not important to know if they were discussing "who shot it" or "who sent it". It is obvious that the one who shot was the one who sent the video.

And she does not turn half a million of inheritance, as the investigator manage to prove that she was a prostitute she had no chance to get the inheritance, or at least the risked much. Prostitution is illegal in Illinois.

Also, how can you say this

At no time was she portrayed as clairvoyant and knew she would get more money if they fired her.

While she filmed her having sex with her boss to trap him later on purpose ?

While she secretly recorded her colleagues and has used their words to her own advantage?

From the first episode to the last, she has always shown a real power of handling and control (especially when it come to sex).

Do we watched the same show ?


Think whatever you want. You want to put a clever twist on the story, so be it. Funny how Jack just stopped bothering her after "she" sent the video isn't it? I'm through trying to help you understand.


I am with you Finnegan. I frankly don't know the poster can be so sure Christine sent it. You explained it quite well. The mother was clearly dubious that the guy was an ex-BF. She really wasn't talking about who sent it, but the nature of their relationship. But I believe Jack did send it for revenge. Some posters including the OP seem shocked that this guy would do that. Well he was quite unhinged when she rejected him. I don't think it would be shocking at all if he sent it. Especially after Christine talked to his friend. He wanted to screw her over big time. Christine then recovered quite nicely and turned the tables on the event by recording some of those conversations. And the panic attack was mostly fake. I do believe she was upset, but she knew how to play it.


Yes. In a show like this with a 30 minute format and no overt explanations, clues are important. I think a very significant clue was the scene when she retreated into a stall in the ladies room after Tellis had first shown her the video. In that private moment, which was not for the benefit of anyone else in that office, we see her scrolling through the video on her phone to look at the list of recipients. We also see her wiping tears away. If we are to believe she sent the video, what is the point of her needing to see who it was sent to? And why would she cry at that moment? Also, we know she wanted the inheritance from Michael but turned it down to prevent her family and office from learning exactly what the video revealed. Although the P.I. had posed as a client, she had refused to take his money or do anything with him, so he couldn't prove prostitution. But it was explained to her that if she took the inheritance it would become a matter of public record that Chelsea was Christine. So even if no one could prove prostitution, her relationship with Michael under an assumed name and his leaving her a half million dollars would indeed be dubious for her family and office. So it makes no sense that she would then release a video of herself having sex while saying she liked being paid for it. Nor would there be any reason to include her family in the audience if she was sending the video to the office in hopes of them reacting in a way that would be prosperous for her. But she had no way of knowing if that would happen. And of course there is the matter of Jack threatening her, harassing her and then disappearing from her life the moment the video is sent. There is also her angry reaction when Tellis met her at the restaurant to tell her she got him fired by secretly recording them having sex. She responded, "Welcome to the club!" Because the same thing had happened to her.

All of those clues indicate Christine did not send the video and that Jack did. The only clue to the contrary is her mother's comment that she didn't believe the person who shot the video was an angry ex-BF. But some viewers prefer to think they see a clever twist by believing she sent the video, all evidence to the contrary.


The smoking gun was definitely the bathroom scene where she looked at who the video was sent to. I don't know how anyone can say it was her after that. And as you said, she turned down the inheritance so her family wouldn't find out. It would make no sense to send the video to her parents. None.
