MovieChat Forums > The Girlfriend Experience (2016) Discussion > I wonder why they chose 30 minute episod...

I wonder why they chose 30 minute episodes vs 1 hour

I just started binge watching this show and was confused when the episode ended so early. I just assumed it was an hour show since most dramas I watch are usually an hour. I wonder why they decided to go with 30 minute episodes. Anyway the show is amazing. At least the shorter episodes makes it so easy to binge watch. Already on episode 7 and I'll finish the rest tonight. Great show!


It's a lot to take in so 30 minutes is just about right. It's an odd show - very quiet and eerie almost. I think it's filmed so the audience is to feel like they're a voyeur, watching something forbidden. Not sure if Christine is supposed to be played as so disconnected or if Riley is just a bad actress. Can't figure it out yet. And, it's also disconcerting to see a combo of Elvis and Priscilla in her face.


I see Lisa Marie for sure, but not Priscilla or Elvis.


I don't get why many ppl are saying Riley is a bad actress. I think she's quite good. If you want wooden acting, watch Law and Order with the blonde ADA. Now that's wooden acting. Her character's name was Serena.


The voyeur aspect is most certainly the desired effect. Many of the scenes are filmed through a doorway, or a glass partition, around a corner, etc.


That's easy. They chose 30 minutes because they were on a tight budget. If they had enough funds, I am sure they would have scheduled the full hour.


I wish more shows followed suit. I think it forces the writers to keep a show moving, providing at least one bit of progress in the story each 30 minutes. There is still enough time to have some relaxed dialogue scenes, but not enough time to become plodding.


I enjoyed the show and always felt I wanted more after each episode ended. But maybe it would not have been as good a show if they had double the time to fill. The half-hour episodes really made the viewer pay attention and figure things out for yourself. We had to determine actions and motives from subtle scenes instead of adding scenes where somewhere clearly explains everything they are doing. Viewers who prefer things easily explained instead of having to pay very close attention to details in every scene probably didn't like that format. Sometimes I had to rewatch episodes to pick up on important details. But I liked it.


I'm a pretty big fan of the half hour format. In certain cases, I definitely think it works better than a full hour. I wish more dramas would try it out.
