Riley Keough is mesmerizing

If one thing is working in this show is the launch of Riley Keough's career. She is mermerizing with her look, her attitude, her acting... I think she is outstanding!

Not sure if she has already made a name of herself or become a great actress for a leading role as complicated as this, but Christine's character is so complex, it has so many layers, that it took a lot of courage to take the part and play it like Riley did.

I know lot of people will think she might be inexpressive, not pretty enough for the escort role, or whatever. Come on! She looks so beautiful in every scene, she has an amazing talent, and she owns the part, doesn't she?

Let's see what's in store for this actress.


She definitely fulfills the "nasty" look required to play a slut.

"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered!"


Laying it on a bit thick are we?

Sure she's good but hardly mesmerizing


I really like her but i'd hardly call her mesmerizing. All the men tell her that she makes them so happy. I've not seen her do or say anything except "me too" when they compliment her.
She's not witty...animated...or particularly glib, so I guess she does her best work in bed. Maybe that's every man's dream girl.


She is good. I didn't even know she was the granddaughter of Elvis until after I finished the whole season... so I had no biases going in or as I watched.

I'm a real kewl kat.🐈


I think she really plays this complex character well. i hope this show opens a lot of doors for her.

As far as looks go shes ok...a little to skinny and plain for my tastes and im not sure why practically everyone on this show seems attracted to her i think if i was gonna be shelling out thousands of dollars for a high priced hooker i want her to be as hot as Megan Fox or Angelina Jolie .


"...a little too skinny..." are you KIDDING ME??? How did you miss those hips and ass...she is CURVY but fit and solid. Flat abs and beautiful, shapely legs. I love her body and yes, she was mesmerizing. Her facial expressions were stellar.
A beautiful woman with or without make up.


I think shes somewhat attractive but in a generic way even when shes all dressed up i tend to prefer my women with more curves but i digress.
She has a cute ass tho ill give her that.


She did well! To her credit she's done at of indie films. I don't think this series is really iconic enough to give Riley a real claim to fame other than being Elvis's granddaughter but it's an excellent stepping stone for sure.


Mesmerizing is a good word for her. The camera loves her. I was unfamiliar with Riley Keough until Mad Max: Fury Road. There she was usually in the background behind the action but I found myself looking past the main actors in those scenes to look at her. Yet I don't find her classically beautiful or sexy. But she has strong facial features and has the sort of pretty girl looks you might see in your neighborhood rather than a glamor magazine. Those looks are essential to GFE. As Christine, she looks nice in her hair bun, ears sticking out, flat shoes and business type clothes. As Chelsie, she changes her looks as much as her personality.

What makes GFE a special show is Riley Keough's acting. Playing a conflicted character leading a double life, Keough is extremely believable. She nails every look, every tone of voice, every of bit of body language. In most scenes, either Christine or Chelsie is reacting to someone else in a way that satisfies that person while internally processing those words or actions in terms of what it means to her alter ego. Keough pulls these scenes off consistently and seemingly effortlessly. I was amazed at how well she plays the part. I found the last few episodes less satisfying as they depending more on story lines and sex scenes rather than her inner conflict, although the episode about her family gave her another chance to show off her acting talents. I think the sky is the limit for her career.


I agree, she is mesmerizing, and very talented as an actress. Her acting is very subtle, and many could over reach in this role, but she nails it. She is very beautiful, but her looks change depending on the moment, lighting, etc. Every once in a while her resemblance to her grandfather ( Elvis) is apparent!!


I'm happy to see that many of us feel the same way about Riley's talent and how mesmerizing she is in this show.

She was in Jimmy Kimmel show recently to talk about The Girlfriend Experience, but it was an awkward interview in my opinion, since Jimmy was very focused in "dirty" stuff and he wasn't into doing a great and interesting interview about the show. What are your thoughts about it?

I stand for her and how chameleon-like she is!


I saw that interview and agree with you re Kimmel's interview questions. She is such an interesting person he could have come up with some more intelligent questions! Even asking about Elvis would have been entertaining.
