MovieChat Forums > The Girlfriend Experience (2016) Discussion > Was Christine sexually abused by her fat...

Was Christine sexually abused by her father?

What was up with the line at the anniversary party "you made me what I am today"? Or was it her saying to her parents, "I know what I am and I like it."?


I only took it as "I know what I am and I like I, and if you don't like it, blame your DNA."


I actually thought about the abuse angle too. If true, I really think that answers a lot of questions about Christine's personality and the choices she makes. It's an interesting subtext.


I have read a number of times about how the show's creators wanted to portray a girl who gets into prostitution without the typical history of poverty, broken home, abuse, etc. The 13 episodes were essentially a character study of how this good girl from a good family makes her own choices.


Quote from Riley Keough in Cosmopolitan:

What fascinated me was telling the story that hasn't been told, which is the girl who was wanting to do this and wasn't coming from an abused background. She has a lot going for her and decides to do this.

"This is dead air, Barry....dead air."


Yes, so much this.

Viewers have an urge to justify character's decisions. Were they abused? Had a rough childhood? Weren't loved enough?

The 13 episodes were essentially a character study of how this good girl from a good family makes her own choices.

You are amazing. Everything you post is always on point, lol



Viewers, both male and female, have a need to justify any "bad" actions of women. They don't however, have the same instinct when the perpetrator is male. He did it because he is male, is reason enough for many. It would be nice if this was only a writers thing and some result of a boys club in Hollywood, who want to see women as pure and angelic creatures. But sadly it's a much larger phenomenon than that.

There is a fundamental difference in which different sexes are treated in the society in the West and the result is this gap of empathy for men. Obviously feminism clouds this by constantly putting the emphasis on women's issues, however inconsequential their complain du jour may be, and men do their part by not wanting to complain. Because then they would risk be seen as unmasculine, so they take it all in silence. That's probably wise, since complaining would be redundant anyway, because no one really cares about issues concerning men.


He did it because he is male, is reason enough for many.

I'm not sure about that. One of the reason Don Draper, as an example, was such a compelling character on screen was fueled by the viewers desire to know why he was the way he was. His horrid treatment of women was absolutely not excused because he was male, and the eventual reveal of why he was the way he was was still not excused because he was male.

Not sure what all this ultimately has to do with the post though, as we are discussing the reason why people would jump to the conclusion she was abused by her father when there were zero instances pointing at that. I don't think it's because he's male and they are just pointing their finger at him, it's because people can't fathom someone making the decisions she did without jumping on the train of "daddy issues" (the common trope for escorts/strippers/prostitutes), which is basically the opposite of the point of the show, that she was a good girl from a good family that still makes the decisions she makes.

What a lovely day!


I personally think it was just her way of saying 'Stuff you' and to try and make her parents especially her mother feel bad. If you remember the father when he said to the mother 'It was her jealous ex-boyfriend that actually posted that video' the mother replied 'Don't be so naive! She was always loved the attention, and didn't care how it affects us and has always been selfish. It's the truth' meaning that she twists things for her benefit, lies, is an attention seeker, likes to cause trouble and doesn't care who she hurts along the way.
In the very first episode it tried to imply that she was this innocent girl shocked by what her friend done by being an escort BUT remember the guy that she picked up before she knew what her friend done? She propositioned him in the bar and had sex with him. She liked the thrill, liked sex and seemed to have no heart. If I was a doctor (or psychiatrist) which I am not I would say she was bi-polar, an attention seeker and maybe even had a split personality. She seems to take on different personas throughout the series which makes me think that. Also the fact that she is detached from her feelings and can't see anything wrong from what she is doing and also seems to take pleasure from hurting others and making it seem like she is the victim.

That is just my take on her and what I think and that it is nothing to do with her childhood and being abused. It is just her and her persona x
