Terrible parents

These people should all lose their kids. They are completely unfit to parent.


Im sure shoving the kids into an uncaring system would be much better for them


They should lose their kids to relatives! Who are good!


Omg - shut up you freak. It's a movie...


Are you under the impression that you have a point?


What did they do that would classify as "unfit?"

Proud member of AACAR (Americans Against Crappy American Remakes)


Surely you jest!


No, there's no jesting.
You made a statement that they were bad parents with nothing to back up your opinion.
Now someone has asked you to explain yourself and you still can't do it.
Do you even believe what you say?
Do you have any conviction?
Maybe you feel backed into a corner with your dumb comment and realize you're wrong but don't know how to get out of it?
AH! Yep that's it.


Yes. Jesus, yes! I did feel backed into a corner, trapped, claustrophobic, like I couldn't breathe! I actually had a panic attack! What a foolish comment I made! I was so wrong! And I had no way out! You get me! YOU GET ME!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The only thing I can think of is not having a lock on their bedroom door lol


After the 1st and 2nd scenes where the kids walk in i was hoping they at least washed their hands before running off to help the kids.


I never saw them once being bad parents. In fact they seemed like they were really great with the kids, especially Jason Schwartzmans character.
Oh wait. I get it. You're one of those people.
You think that because they like sex they can't care for children. Or if they are gay they can't be good parents. Or if they are into something kinky they can't take proper care of a child. As if what happens in a bedroom has anything to do with childcare. I'm wondering what kind of weirdo thinks sex and parenting have anything in common.



You know what they say about people who assume. They're *beep* *beep*


I don't think this movie was exactly meant to be instructional about good parenting one way or another.

It is unfair though to say what someone does in the bedroom affects their parenting abilities one way or another, provided they don't INVOLVE the children in what they're doing in the bedroom. It would be ironic if moral busy-bodies were to take children away from parents who are gay or swingers and put them in foster homes where the children THEMSELVES are physically or sexually abused.

I also personally don't think "Christians" who threaten their kids with fictional bullsh*t about "eternal damnation" just because they do something wrong with their own bodies are all that fit to parent. So it's all pretty much a matter of opinion.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


Lazarillo, I have a 9 yr son who can no longer see his "born again Christian" paternal grandmother. At 5 he started wedding the bed. And getting bladder infections. And bacterial infections His urine started to literally go backwards in his body. He wouldn't wash either. He kicked, punched, screamed and bit his father and I when trying to help clean him. He had to see a urologist weekly for 6 months, along with intense weekly therapy. They had wires stuck all over his genitalia and in his dupa and he had to be trained to urinate properly. The wires were hooked up to a machine that he controlled with his urine to play a video game (genius invention).

His grandmother told him he would go to hell if he touched his penis. We cut off contact immediately.


*he was wetting the bed because he thought even urinating would cause him eternal damnation.


OP--why should they lose their kids?
