MovieChat Forums > The Anatomy of a Great Deception (2014) Discussion > Will the real David Hooper please stand ...

Will the real David Hooper please stand up

I think it strange that a man "in search of the truth" has two conflicting, and mutually exclusive, self-provided descriptions for himself:

- IMDb Mini Biography By: David Hooper

The day after graduating from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) in 1991, Hooper started his first company, which is still in operation today.

David has started six companies in his life, whose cumulative revenue totals over $80 million in the last 20 years.

Movie trailer, and liner notes:
That was a very hard time in my life. It felt like my world was turned upside down. I couldnt stop researching. I was unemployed. And I was running out of savings.

So, which is it? He was unemployed and burning through his savings, or his first company is still in business and he's got revenues from his businesses in excess of 80 mil?

Or, the easiest answer: This is business #7 (oddly, WTC 7 is the focus, but I don't like coincidences--BUT doesn't mean I don't see them), meant to pander to a crowd just "itching" for more ammo. He crowd funded the operation for which the total cost of production was $10K. I don't know what distribution rights cost, or marketing, but he's pledged $2 of each sale (this is important; is it $2 of profit, or a net $2 of sale price?) to two different charities (at least one of which is likely a tax write-off[in fact both are 501c's]), but by his own admission in his bio he's made 80 mil; why crowd-source, exactly? I haven't made 80 mil but I do have 10K in the bank. If I wanted to "invest" in a business that had heartfelt meaning, I wouldn't ask anyone for the money to complete it.

If I were investing in a business meant to turn a profit, and didn't want to risk my own money, I would seek venture capital; I don't know why conventional investors were reticent; only one of the Hoopers can answer that.

Is one of these Hoopers lying? If they're two different people, one needs to rein the other in to retrieve some credibility.

Is this the best foot to start out on?

The worst girlfriend I ever had is better than the best god I never did.


Will the real socraticmethod09 please stand up? Who are you shilling for? For a guy who gave a 9 to a movie about the Spirit Molecule, I've got to wonder what the hell your agenda is and who's drivin' your plane...


a guy who gave a 9 to a movie about the Spirit Molecule

What does my review of a movie that I found interesting, have anything to do with this movie? Let's stay on subject. If it makes you feel better I'll remove my review; it means that little to me.
In fact, I'll not wait for your reply. You've been robbed of an argument; it's gone. But, I'll leave the reference; I don't want to be called a liar AND a shill; not that either matters to me; I do want to argue on merit.

Do you know what a non sequitur is?;clearly not. If you did, you'd not have brought up my rating of The Spirit Molecule. As an aside, have you watched it? I'll take it on faith that you have; and not make the assumption you're daft enough to use it as a plausible basis for argument about something wholly and completely different. The fact is only you know the truth; for me that's enough, because I am not your mirrors. Only you need to look at yourself.

Moving along:

Is anything I said not a fact; Y/N?

Is one of these Hoopers lying?

This seems a fairly straightforward question to me; apparently, those aren't allowed. Truthers look for a motive, but for some reason no one else can; is that truth or suppression? It seems odd for a movement whose moniker is: The Truth Movement. Maybe, there's a defiintion for "truth" I'm not familiar with, though. Whatever the case, it's an argument "Truthers" like to use; just not against themselves. They also encourage that questions be asked. Except, asking questions of the person telling the "truth". This is a logical dichotomy; it runs counter to itself, (and to be honest I just made that up; had to, because there isn't a precedent for logical argument that describes: Ask questions, but don't ask them of the people aed says are right![That's kind of an appeal to authority, but admitting as much would be granting you an awful lot--and you don't know what a non sequitur is). But, conspiracy theorists have already been shown to be capable of holding even concurrent, self-negating theories as plausible; so, I shouldn't, and am not, surprised. The reason I ask it: He paints himself as one person, when in fact he's another; that's not enough to ask though. The person(s) he describes himself as being wouldn't even talk to each other. They never would have vied for the same parking spaces at work or at the store (this guy's not buying clothes at Walmart©), he's Nordstrom's ©.

IMDb Mini Biography By: David Hooper

The day after graduating from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) in 1991, Hooper started his first company, which is still in operation today.

David has started six companies in his life, whose cumulative revenue totals over $80 million in the last 20 years.

There is always the possibility that Mr Hooper did suffer as a result of the failure of the city of Detroit, and needed to make some money (admittedly that would suck, but stealing from anyone looking for some other explanation seems worse, No?); that's the kind of speculation I try to stay away from. But, like the coincidences b/w 6 businesses started and this being about WTC 7 that I mentioned, it doesn't mean I don't see them. Draw your own conclusions, I won't even ask that you drink the water; at least recognize that you've been led to it. How would any businesses you have, fare if fully one-third of the nearest, large population center just up and left (Detroit)? You're probably going to want to answer in RED ink.

Save the BLACK ink for the next "business".

That was a very hard time in my life. It felt like my world was turned upside down. I couldnt stop researching. I was unemployed. And I was running out of savings.

I said all of the above to say this: Mr Hooper starts his organization of freely available material, potentially with a lie ("the regular guy"); fills it out with his "life spent working and living in high rises" (I don't know how this makes him an authority), and then contributes his own bio, which includes the factoid:
cumulative revenue totals over $80 million in the last 20 years.
For me the regular guy is gone; replaced by someone with an agenda (maybe public office; THAT WOULD NOT SURPRISE ME ONE IOTA, btw), if you still see the "regular guy", you're not going to want to read any further, but you should.
The arguments he poses aren't new. They are explained with math, physics, testing, and peer-reviewed articles. If you want this guy to be the next Michael Moore, buy it. If you want a millionaire to show his "truther" colors, make him run for office, make him lease a bus and drive to D.C., but most of all: MAKE HIM SPEND HIS OWN MONEY, and don't pay him for using someone else's by appealing to cognitive bias against facts. Most importantly, if he starts by lying, then reinforces that lie with his bio and testimony on film; how are you, I, or anyone to know what his true beliefs and motives are? That's likely another of those questions I shouldn't be asking. But, it's my nature, and it explains why I believe what I do about 9/11. I've said this in other forums; truthers need to get organized, settle on methods for "pulling it all off", figure out how it's been kept secret, why no one has broken the silence, and get off their asses. Sun-Tzu, The Art of War: Don't wage a siege, it only strengthens your enemy, while it saps you.
That's abbreviated, I don't feel like going upstairs to quote verbatim from the book. UPDATE: The Art of War is out on loan. Disconcerting too; it's been out since Dec 2013; time to make some phone calls.

If this isn't a money-making endeavor, then what is it?
If he's started six businesses, and the preceding question's answer is: "money-making endeavor"; doesn't this make this business #7?

Let's address the other portion of your argument?:

Who are you shilling for?

In addressing this question, I'm going to take the position that I am shilling for the purposes of context and argument.
Now, if I were shilling, the answer would seem pretty obvious to anyone possessed of the ability for rational thought--so why ask it?; unless you fall into the exclusion. You asked it; which leaves . . . [fill in the blank]

who's drivin' your plane

I'm fairly certain planes are flown, save the taxi to and from runways. Further, I don't have a plane. If I could afford it I wouldn't buy one; do you know what the upkeep is on one of those?
Look up non sequitur, you'll find the numbers there.

Watching videos is not reading. The link below is; it is part of a massive website devoted to researching all aspects of the attacks and the subsequent collapses. It also includes detailed chemical analysis of the "vaunted" thermite, nanothermite, and thermate, via Xray spectography and other methods.

Accurate Collapse History of WTC7

The Case of World Trade Center 7 GE_user_op=view_page&PAGE_id=293&MMN_position=622:622
The NIST report is incomplete at best; botched at worst; neither of which are culpable offenses. The MIT report is much more extensive; again it requires reading and a fair bit of math. It describes the collapses in "as it happened" moments (fractions of a second). No one looks at it because, admittedly, it is dry. There are no pretty pictures, this isn't strictly true, there are a couple of photos of the methods by which the metals would (let me qualify that with *COULD*) have sheared, and I believe a diagram of the core members that failed immediately after impact, which virtually assured WTCs 1 & 2 failure.

Here it is: t.pdf

If I wanted to sell a video, I wouldn't include this in my own production.

By all means too, don't address the questions I asked:

So, which is it? He was unemployed and burning through his savings, or his first company is still in business and he's got revenues from his businesses in excess of 80 mil?

by his own admission in his bio he's made 80 mil; why crowd-source, exactly?

In not addressing the questions I pose, you've revealed that, by default, Mr Hooper gets a "pass" from you. Now, if his contentions and intent were different, it would be "open season" on his fundraising methods. Do you see the disjunct? But, I know that no one wants to argue this on a level field. So, let's take that out of the discussion.

With the exception of his commentary and screen time, NONE of the information isn't available for free. Why not direct people to it? Why sell it to them? I submit that Mr Hooper knows his market, my speculation starts and ends with using the crowd-funding as market tool [genius, honestly]; the coloring book and cartoon crowd. These are not crossword puzzle, Scrabble, or sudoku fans. Sadly, by default, they are the majority; take a look at standardized testing and how the US stacks up against other first world countries, I don't even like that term but post Cold War, it's understood what is meant by it.

If he's truly dedicated to disseminating "facts" (none of the buildings fell at free-fall, the links explain as much [that'll address my reference to tenth-grade understanding of falling objects], why is he pocketing the balance? This is why I provided the link to the YouTube video; which incidentally he will be paid for, by way of click through monetization. But, I wanted to see what, if anything, he had to say might sway me; the result: NO CHANCE
Where is the "risk" of using his own money? There isn't any, if you understand business, you'll know that risk management is key to maintaining profitability (I'll not address the question of actuaries; that's insurance; but essentially the same model). Where is the market?; He found it, took their money, and is prepared to sell it back to them, for profit.
Draw your own conclusions.
Don't listen to me.

See if you recognize the clips not including Hooper. But, please save your money. If his paltry donation of $2 per sale is motivation enough, then donate it yourself (do you itemize?; Hooper does), and take the write-off. You're free to believe what you want, obviously. But don't pay this clown to show you what you (NOT ME), already "know".

I've seen this; all of it and more. But, most of what is filmed is better understood by reading (I hope we can agree this is most true of movies that started as books); particularly the failures and the math and physics behind it; neither of which is emotionally compelling or likely to stir the "slumbering masses" (I can't believe I typed that, I slay me) to action.

The number of people who believe this tripe should surely have reached some critical mass, by now. Where do they reside?; Isolated, pounding furiously away on keyboards that "somebody needs to do something" and saying: "wake up!" Not recognizing that in the same stroke they're saying: "Do it FOR me, I'm too lazy" Which is the genesis of the mentality; no, I'll leave the mentality out. People tend to get offended if they're intelligence is brought into question. I'll chose "personality profile" as the genesis. Not, The Constant Gardener, but The Constant Victim.

Do I have to ask where the thriller is? I'm hoping not; the obvious answer, to me anyway, is that it's a lot easier to sell something that says "Thriller" than it is to sell something that says "Documentary of Readily Available, Free Information". Don't believe me?; ask Michael Jackson. WHOOPS!; guess you're going to have to trust me on that one. But, I think the numbers would bear that out as factual enough.

So we're clear, I would LOVE for someone to present undeniable, incontrovertible evidence that my beliefs are wrong. Why? Because I would have left whatever day that was a smarter person. As things stand with regard to this, I'm as smart as I'm going to get.

If you didn't know about competing arguments for the 5 "W's": Who? What? Where? When? and Why?, that's your own fault.

Spare me please, the argument that I "trust" the Gov't. Gov't, by definition, is at odds with the governed. Both vie for as much power as they can. Gov't wants more than the governed, however. There are things the governed don't want to dirty their hands with. Those things are deferred to the Gov't. Gov'ts as a general rule do not commit suicide, it's anathema. Orchestrating anything like this is (inside our own borders; we do things, not as sensational, but equally reprehensible [if not more so] overseas) suicide. Can you name one standing nation's, officiating body that put a gun to its own head, or strung an extension cord around its neck? I've read a lot of history and the closest qualification I can name is the USSR. But, even that was a slow, lingering cancer manifested in financial collapse. If you've got another, I'll listen, read, evaluate, read some more, then give you my take.

One of the problems today is that anything that makes it onto video is automatically afforded some "heft" of veracity, by virtue of repetition (like hypnosis), that print media isn't granted. Print has to earn it. Video is passive spoon-feeding: "Sit right there, I will tell you what you need to know and what you want to hear." Where reading is an investment of time, diligence, and attention span.

Go ahead, get your wallet ready and have a seat.

If you pay this man for information that has existed, literally, for years; you're only getting duped.

Guess who's getting paid?

The worst girlfriend I ever had is better than the best god I never did.


Dear Socratic Method, I'm right here. You wrote an article about me and you never bothered to contact me. I could have clarified several simple errors you made in your review.

1. My first company is still going. I sold my interest in it and I currently sit on the board and draw a token fee for attending meetings.
2. If you'd done some research on business ownership, you'd understand that owning a business doesn't make you a millionaire.
3. After my last company tanked, I was left with a moderate amount of life savings; about $80k, which was used to support the film and my family for three years.
4. Making a film is more than just aggregating information. Video production, color grading, video editing, sound engineering, packaging, design, production company's, radio advertising, print marketing, travel, employees, coordination staff, legal rights, etc. The preliminary budget was about $10k out of pocket which ballooned to $100k as the film was prepped for theater release.
5. The intention of the movie isn't to make another scientific report of what happened. Any person of average intelligence can see quickly what 9/11 was . . . a false flag to start a false war. The film is meant to speak to the emotional issues involved in discovering the truth of 9/11, so yes, it was necessary to use many of the popular clips that many of us have seen.
6. I'm aware the movie is on YouTube. I haven't recaptured my full investment and I am not earning money from it on YouTube. It's free. That is fine.
7. If the film is so off base, why have I received thousands of emails from people thanking me for helping them deal with the emotions involved in learning about 9/11.
8. You wrote a thesis to smear a movie that can help people. I've seen that "routine" before. What is your motivation, if you care to answer honestly? You are the second human being I have come across that believes the official explanation after seeing the evidence for themselves. Hmm.

Still here if you want to get some facts (instead of making things up and assuming things that are incorrect and that you never attempted to clarify.


My first company is still going. I sold my interest in it and I currently sit on the board and draw a token fee for attending meetings.

I suspected as much with regard to this. But, it comes off as self-aggrandizing to me. Further, it sounds, to a healthy skeptical mind, like: "I'm not in it for the money."

You should know, right off, that I am skeptical of everything, to include the Gov't. This event was not an exception.

Moving along:
If you'd done some research on business ownership, you'd understand that owning a business doesn't make you a millionaire.

On paper, or liquidity? Yes, I know they are two different things. Your self-written bio says:
David has started six companies in his life, whose cumulative revenue totals over $80 million in the last 20 years.

Colloquially, this would make you a "millionaire". Despite the differences between where the money's tied up, and where it's 'loose'. Most people don't think that far, and that's who I'm speaking to; it's your audience and this is what they're reading. So, that's what I'm addressing.

Any person of average intelligence can see quickly what 9/11 was . . . a false flag to start a false war.

So, we want to start a false war, by implicating 19 Saudis (our strongest ally[?][More on this later] in the region), so that we can invade Iraq? How does this make sense? Why not make them Iraqis?
I don't want to make this personal. To that end, I'm going to take this opportunity to apologize for calling you a "clown". But, I have to take exception to this statement. Let's just say I'm above "average" intelligence. I've already mentioned my skepticism. Coupled, they sound like the type of person who should believe this. Still, I don't. Why?; The complexity and level of secrecy required makes it a planck's length (1.61619926 × 10-35 meters) away from impossible. People like secrets, they do. But, they like them because THEY LIKE TO TELL THEM to someone, that's all. Thousands of people would be needed to pull this off. Thousands of people with thousands of secrets they WANT TO TELL, but haven't. Not a chance.

Fun Fact:

Maybe 12 people knew about the recording device in Nixon's office that recorded plans to break into DNC headquarters at The Watergate Hotel. Nixon said there was no recording. His secretary said otherwise, BUSTED! So long, Tricky Dick. Thousands of people and not one Nixon secretary?; I think not.

The intention of the movie isn't to make another scientific report of what happened.
Clearly. You don't want to address the science, trust me (that's supposed to be funny).
Science doesn't sell to most people. I buy it, often and frequently. Fear sells, though. You can barely print the $ fast enough to keep up with the demand. So go ahead stoke the fires.

I did give you kudos for the crowd-sourcing as an ad hoc market study; I meant it. Because it's logical, risk-free, and flat-out genius. Enviable really.

I haven't recaptured my full investment and I am not earning money from it

You will. I see on that you're headed for the "impulse" buy section. This is capitalism, after all. Good on ya.

Making a film is more than just aggregating information. Video production, color grading, video editing, sound engineering, packaging, design, production company's, radio advertising, print marketing, travel, employees, coordination staff, legal rights, etc. The preliminary budget was about $10k out of pocket which ballooned to $100k as the film was prepped for theater release

So, the production costs that I cite as my only source, presumably provided by you or your "staff" are incorrect then? There's a legal term for that. It's called plausible deniability. I did go on to clarify that I don't know what it costs to market package, etc, but was using the numbers available to me. That's not wrong, false, or incendiary. Those are the facts available. If they're wrong who's to blame?

I received thousands of emails from people thanking me for helping them deal with the emotions involved in learning about 9/11.

This is a false equivalency. Millions of people watched "two girls one cup", I'm certain they received a fair share of encouraging email. Does it make what they did right, or correct in any definition you want to choose?

You wrote a thesis to smear a movie that can help people

I'm going to defer back to definitions; this time: "help". If someone was helped by watching this, I'm going to question their critical thinking skills. Thusly: the Gov't, or their counterparts, wire three buildings to collapse in full knowledge that fully-fueled airliners were going to be flown into them in excess of 500 mph, and expect the demo to come off? Absurd.
But wait, they're going to keep the whole thing secret, too. Here's the best part:they're going to use Saudis to fly them; so we can invade Iraq. I wonder if Monty Python has gotten a hold of this.

You are the second human being I have come across that believes the official explanation after seeing the evidence for themselves. Hmm

Where to start? I know: second human being I have come across. I don't know what your social circles are like Dr. Doolittle. But, if you're convincing animals, there's a bright future for you.

On to the "evidence": like all poorly constructed logical arguments you rely on a lack of a complete description that satisfies your need for resolution and fill in the cracks with whatever spread is handy. I provided extensive links to counter all the tired complaints that fit with one piece of logic almost 600 years old. Occam's Razor: Given two explanations for the cause of any event, the simplest is the preferred. That's off the top of my head. but it's everywhere in science, even 2nd law of thermodynamics. Another one, and probably more salient: You cannot increase the efficiency of any system by adding to its complexity. That's off the top of my head again, could be worded differently. But, the crux is on point.

What is your motivation, if you care to answer honestly?

My motivation is for people to move past the base fears we had on the Savannas in Africa, to think logically, and not look for the shadows you so willingly throw in people's closets. My signature pretty much sums it up.

The biggest lie to come out of this whole debacle--not your movie--is the idea that Saudi Arabia is our friend or ally. It hasn't been addressed yet, but it will eventually. That's the conspiracy here. They didn't make those guys fly those planes. But, the money they used came from Yemen and Saudi Arabia. That's the shadow people should be looking for. The lie being told by the US Gov't that King Abdullah, his family, and the whole country are our friends; that's the one anyone with an average IQ could see if they read.

Mr Hooper I don't mean any personal disrespect, honestly. I just want people to put things into context. A movie villain is just that, a movie. The complex plots don't work because they're complex. If you want to continue, I invite you to PM me. In fact, I encourage it. I have a question that is probably easily answered. But due to my skeptical tendencies, it nags. It's not relevant to the movie per se, but more germane to the funding. If it were me, and given the choice, I wouldn't discuss it in this forum because that's not what they're for.

If you do PM me, any information I glean will remain there. *This last statement is intended as a good faith proclamation, and will remain for the record.*

The worst girlfriend I ever had is better than the best god I never did.


Any person of average intelligence can see quickly what 9/11 was . . . a false flag to start a false war

Hilarious that the person who made this laughable "documentary" will make such a statement. News flash: you are not intelligent. I particularly loved the STOP SIGN part. Yeah, that really proved everything!

why have I received thousands of emails from people thanking me for helping them deal with the emotions involved in learning about 9/11.

Because they are idiots? The world is full of nutters who will believe in any anti-western conspiracy theories that are thrown at them. I mean Alex Jones has thousands of followers for God sake. Because you receive thousands of emails doesn't make your crap plausible or insightful. It just goes to show there are huge numbers of dumb and gullible people in the world who will believe anything as long as it's anti-western.

This was uploaded by a user called "RealityHijacked". Just look at the comments made by him to get an idea of the intellect of the people who follow this nonsense. When anyone disagrees with him and the conspiracy views shared in this video, he'll respond with angry tirades full of charged language and childish derogatory terms. One person presented some very credible evidence to the contrary (and was very polite, I may add) he just dismissed it as "junk science", attacked him with a number of extremely petty insults then deleted his posts and blocked him from commenting.

Here's the level of intellect and maturity displayed by the uploader of this video:

Says the idiot who likes to talk out of his ass without having ANY knowledge in regards to the subject matter. You're just another mindless little sheep who does ZERO research but yet still feels compelled to spew idiotic nonsense that you really know NOTHING about. Again, have fun being ignorant you *beep* moron...

Says the idiot who likes to talk out of his ass without having ANY knowledge in regards to the subject matter. You're just another mindless little sheep who does ZERO research but yet still feels compelled to spew idiotic nonsense that you really know NOTHING about. Again, have fun being ignorant you *beep* moron...

Yes, getting thousands of emails from people like this is sure something to be proud of. Or maybe "RealityHijacked" is David Hooper himself? He does refer to it as "MY VIDEO" and gets very upset whenever anyone critcises it.


Mr. Hooper is not available for comment, I believe. He's moved on to UFO factories run by The Illuminati on the dark side of the hollow moon. He maintains a residence in The Shire, next to Frodo. He can be visited on appointment and assuming you can find it. When not in The Shire he vacations in Westeros.

The worst girlfriend I ever had is better than the best god I never did.

