MovieChat Forums > Infinity Chamber (2017) Discussion > Anyone surprised by any of the twists or...

Anyone surprised by any of the twists or the ending? (SPOILERS)

The only thing that truly surprised me was that Frank was lying about being innocent the whole time-- not that it matters or changes anything really. Simply saying I didn't expect it. It was very clever of him not to reveal himself to someone claiming to be Alliance leader. Of course, considering the fact that they were obviously abandoned and the guy had cracked enough under the stress of it all to commit suicide but NOT to come clean beforehand, the guy wasn't likely a spy. Not Frank's fault he didn't stick around but if he did, they could have escaped together!


The surprise for me came from the focus on the camera at the very end. I may be interpreting that the wrong way, but my interpretation of that moment is the writer intentionally making the viewer question the two possible meanings of that shot:

1.) The reveal of the camera itself (since the model is the same as the cell's camera) is an indication that he's actually still trapped.
2.) The reveal of the camera is just pointing out that that corporation's surveillance is everywhere, yet, since it's facing away, this indicates that he is actually free.

Again my first instinct is that the writer intentionally wanted the viewer to have a hard time deciding between those two interpretations... But maybe I'm wrong and the writer actually only intended #1 or #2, and the other option was unintentional.


Regardless, the camera reveal itself was a surprise for me. Nice little addition. Reminded me quite a bit of Deckard finding the unicorn origami at the end of Blade Runner, only to have the movie end a few seconds later when the elevator doors close.


I go with the first - the ISN finally iterated through enough threads to get Frank to reveal the location of the virus.

hard to see Frank coming out on top in this one...



Originally I thought he was free when he was in the mountains, but then when he saw the lake mirroring the photo on the wall it made me think twice, but then when the old man and young boy found him it made me think thrice, but then... when he entered the coffee shop and I thought all was well, two things tipped me off to the whole thing still being in his mind:

1) The media commentators ended their commentary about his rescue in the exact same manner, and the sympatico elocution made me rethink that Frank was free.

2) Once he grabbed the key from behind the photo Madeline/Gabby appeared, even though she wasn't there before. Once the camera zoomed out and the reveal of Howard the camera being in the coffee shop was made apparent pretty much gave me the impression that Frank was actually perpetually trapped in the machine as a life support victim.

I think the whole resources running dry was actually the machine giving Frank a limited window of opportunity to fess up, and -- if he was still trapped in the machine -- his feigned escape led them right to where he had hidden the virus.
