It's PG-13

Kevin Smith's been very open the last few months about how he's aiming for a PG-13 rating for this film, and that has me really worried. The only other film that he's made with that rating was Jersey Girl, which was probably his weakest film that he's ever written (I'd say Cop Out, which he didn't write, is clearly the worst thing that he's directed). I feel like a huge part of the appeal of Smith's films is their brash vulgarity, and without that, they lose a lot of their charm.

Any thoughts?


It'd be really odd to come from the hard-R Tusk to a PG-13 movie


Not that I doubt your word, but where has he been very open about the rating?


I only heard once on Hollywood Babble-On that it was supposed to be PG-13

That awkward moment when you think someone's signature is apart of the post.


He mentions it here at 8:07 (the question that leads to the discussion about Yoga Hosers is at 4:30)


Well the main character is his daughter, so I can see why he would want it that way.



He wants her friends to be able to see it at the theater?


Maybe Smith is just trolling? Or trying to set expectations low.


I don't know why he would set out to make it PG-13. I get if it's just that the material is PG-13, but to go out of his way to make it PG-13 seems weird. At this point in his career Smith could pretty much make whatever he wants, G to NC-17.
