MovieChat Forums > The Predator (2018) Discussion > Disappointing. It sucked!

Disappointing. It sucked!

Shane Black should be ashamed of himself. He let down the fans and desecrated the franchise. It only made me wanna watch more the previous Predator movies. It definitely was a cash grab catered for millennials. I hated the cast. No real stars and it showed. There was no real chemistry or camaraderie among the characters only idiotic banter. Nobody to root for, so I didn’t care who lives or dies - I wanted all of them to die. Forgetable, uninteresting story, and zero suspense. I had no problem with the CGI or action scenes, in fact they looked servicable and not cheap. Thank god for no shaky cam and quick cuts - that’s the only redeaming value of this movie. Old music themes was a nice touch, but not enough to save the movie. It was like they were playing a touch here and there or only part of the theme, but not the whole thing. All in all, it was average at best, and very disappointing to fans.
