Kourtney Is So Uncaring

She is so cruel to Scott while he tries to deal with the loss of his parents. Such an annoying little twit with her slow speech pattern. I can't watch anythng Kardashian any longer. Done.


Seriously! She is so selfish and rude, you would honestly think that shes an only child. I have never seen someone who's so numb to their partners emotions. Scott is dealing with the hardest thing that anyone can go thru and Kourt is acting like nothing ever happened. She's very insensitive! I stopped watching at the beginning of season 8. I just can't do it anymore. I only came here to see if this news show was worth my time lol.


I agree she has become very horrible. I mean she tries to control his whole life, too, and won't let him do the one thing he does to make money? It's just ridiculous, especially locking him out of the house and making him choose which "life" he wants. She either needs to trust him or move on. And what's worse is she acts like she does it because she cares about him. Lol!


i dont know how scott deals with her, shes so controlling all the time His parents just died too , doesnt even seem like she tries to comfort him. i really dont get her


Okay? But he has been acting like that before his parents passed away. That's still no excuse to go out when you have kids... She's tired of it I mean she even said it's cool to go out but come home at a reasonable time & actually spend time with the kids throughout the day I never see him with them.
