Scott Disick

I haven't watched KUWTK since the first year it came out. This past weekend was the first time I caught a series of episodes, back to back. I am surprised no one is stating the obvious here: Scott has a red flushed face and his arms and shoulders seem like they hang from inside his shirts, as if he's all bones in there. His appearance is haunting... because he looks like a friend of mine who is going through the late stages in his alcoholism, and dying. I can't believe Scott is only 31. I bet the producers edit Scott's footage more than we can imagine. Scott is dying. Watching Kourtney talk to Scott, without displaying any awareness to the reality of his condition is creeping me out.


The Lord Is Always Drunk:
Living with an alchoholic is very difficult, especially with children around....I feel for Kourtney. She gets to watch him destroy himself, in front of their children!

I was shocked to see the footage of Scott Disick SO DRUNK he couldn't even manage to walk around the million-dollar yard in the Hamptons. His arms DID just hang there, and his belly is soft and bloated from an abused liver...not an attractive look at all, Scott, btw. He is a funny guy, and I am pulling for him to get sober, quick.

Such a shame that he is actually destroying himself, when he has so much to live for .... meaning his children. He seems to just get worse, and then justify it, so he can continue to drink himself to DEATH. (Since when did drinking too much become a "job"?)

The "bodyguard" that physically took Scott upstairs is just a babysitter for a Drunk. Sad to see Scott so drunk that he needs another man to take his drunk ass to bed for him. Ah....the Rich! lol

Very disturbing that this family would actually air such disturbing footage for their children to witness in future years. Kind of Bizarre, really.

Scott should get a real job with a real purpose, and stay sober for Life.
Otherwise, we are all just watching him kill himself slowly but surely.
