Should Kim really have more Babies?

Kim has now said she want's at least two more children ASAP and that she was told by three doctors she would never have even one child. Now, she has said she'd be open to in vitro if they need it to conceive, but has made no mention that I have seen about adopting.

I think that given Kim had such a rough pregnancy and it was always doubtful she would have a baby, she should be grateful the one she had was born in relatively good health and at a year old is completely healthy. If I had had such a difficult pregnancy and have a ridiculous amount of money, I would chose to adopt children from other continents. Kim also seemed to not enjoy pregnancy or what it did to her looks one bit, so why not kill two birds with one stone by skipping the pregnancy and birth wile helping children from a third world country by giving them opportunities they would never have without being adopted?

If I were Kim, I would adopt or if it is really crucial that her kids be genetically hers, use surrogate. The public would give her crap for it and say she was only doing surrogacy to martin her figure, but that backlash would be okay with me if I knew that the main reason I did it was to ensure healthy kids.

BOOM! bazooka joe. -Randy Barry of The Real World: San Diego


Maybe her pregnancy would have been less difficult if she didn't travel the world in high heels during the entire length of it. Her doctor also never said she might not be able to conceive a baby. That was for Khloe.


Maybe her pregnancy would have been less difficult if she didn't travel the world in high heels during the entire length of it. Her doctor also never said she might not be able to conceive a baby. That was for Khloe.

Kim said herself that 3 doctors told her that she would never have a baby and is why she was planning to freeze her eggs. -she-couldnt-get-pregnant/21002862/

BOOM! bazooka joe. -Randy Barry of The Real World: San Diego


That's what she said but on the reality show the doctor did not tell her that. She's clearly lying for sympathy. Even Khloe addressed the fact that Kim was making her own issue a bigger deal when it's not even bad whilst Khloe was actually having real problems with having a baby.

So, she can say that 50 doctors said that lol. We saw on camera what her doctor said.

