This will not last long.

Should be titled "Pampered Celebrities Go Camping"

I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long


Why so negative? Bear is back.


You're definitely on an island with that awful prediction.


The amusing thing is OP would probably wuss out in two minutes if he ever did stuff like this.


'probably' being the key word there. But whether I would or not has nothing to do with my opinion of, or expectations for, the show. Nothing is certain, that's a fact... but I feel safe in my assessment.

I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long


That's what she said.


It's not supped to last long, they signed up a handful of celebrities and when it's over, it's over. It's not like a scripted show hoping for good ratings, it's a limited series I would love to see it come back next season.


So here we are, a year later...

What is "won't last"?

You mean it won't be on as long as the Simpson's? Or won't be on by the time you leave your mom's basement? Or what?



Camping ?

Now there is a stretch's not even that !

It's just a horribly staged heap of BS.
Hike.. advertise Wallmart camping gear.. hike some more.
Shove your hand in a creek 5 inches wide and yank out a Fish
Midnight fart jokes and other hike and it's a wrap..

Next "star" ..

Let's see him take Les Stroud "going wild" LOL

- so there you have it.. my opinion (the correct one)
