MovieChat Forums > Our Girl (2013) Discussion > The BBC web masters and their careless s...

The BBC web masters and their careless spoilers

Gosh, what is it about the BBC web managers who continually spoil episodes right and left on program websites?

This goes on all the time. Are the interns or less skilled web people choosing the photos that go up on these BBC sites for a show and nobody's checking it, or don't they care?

Went to the "Our Girl" site just to see something general, and there was Episode 5 promo with something like "Molly deals with the events in Afghanistan and has to cope with who lives and who dies" or something like that.

And the photo with it? One of the injured characters behind her with a bandage on.

Thanks. So if somebody lives and somebody dies, guess that mystery is solved long before we ever tune in this Sunday.

Why go to such lengths to film a big cliffhanger and then spoil it ahead of time? Bizarre.

What are they thinking? Is this just brainless stuff, or does nobody care anymore about spoilers on the show's own web sites?

Just me I guess. Sigh.


Just curious. Are you thinking "D'Oh" and wishing you could click the 'retract comment' button?

As a small silver lining though; At least the Director of Red-Herrings can sleep easy in the knowledge that their job is safe


Yes, indeed! D'oh. haha

A thousand lashes for me with a wet noodle. That's what I get for being ranty.

Mea culpa!

Interesting end though. Did not see Smurf's end coming--until he had the problem with his eyes at the computer. Then I thought--uh oh. Here it comes...
