MEDIC. Man down!

RIP Smurf, you sad welsh wanker.


; ( ha ha ha was so sad though.


I had a lot of care for him and he was nice n'all.

Until he went mental over a ROMANTIC situation in the middle of the field of battle and put his entire squad in jeopardy and blew the mission. Not to mention almost killing Boss.

He crossed the sad wanker line there, alas. haha


That was the officer's fault, not his. That captain was a bell end.


Nah it was Molly's fault. When she saw Bashire's dad she ran onto the empty bridge. She had a weapon but didn't use it so risked everyone's lives.

Another thing, the whole "only Molly's seen him so only she can ID him" was bs. They said they had put surveillance down on his house so was definitely a high up Taliban officer so they must have seen him. Do they not have cameras and printers?
