Love triangle.

The whole love triangle thing bothers me.He is her direct superior, that seems so wrong on so many levels and would guess it would be a major breach of regulations that could result in the end of an officer's career. I mean, could Molly, an enlisted person actually have a relationship with an officer in the British military? She couldn't in the US military. I believe that there is a 2 rank rule in the US, you can be in a relationship with someone 2 ranks above or below your rank, but cannot serve directly together in the same unit. It removes a lot of believability from the show. I can understand the mutual attraction between the two and think it could have been shown as just below the surface, but it is much more open than I find credible.


Erm you do know that this is a TV drama don't you? and that some aspects of it are overdramatised??? Yes it's suppose to resemble real life to a certain degree, but stuff like this does happen. If you are looking for something more believable I suggest watching a documentary?

"I'm smart and you're a potato head!!!" ~The Doctor


The op actually has serious points. I think there may be a non fraternization rule. There was also a distinct lack of professionalism that the characters showed that could easily get them killed. Shows obvious lack of military tech advisers.


Erm you do know that this is a TV drama don't you? and that some aspects of it are overdramatised??? Yes it's suppose to resemble real life to a certain degree, but stuff like this does happen. If you are looking for something more believable I suggest watching a documentary?

Yes, I do know it is a TV drama but I expect better from the Beeb. Look, don't get me wrong, I like the show overall, and the original film was great, I just think this thing with Captain James really stretches credibility. Molly is a lower class London girl and a private in the Army. James is upper class, Sandhurst educated Captain on his 4th tour. Now, even though I am American, I know Sandhurst is an elite military school on par with the American West Point, A graduate from there would have a high degree of discipline and would not put himself in that position, especially not a veteran officer. A better way to work it would have been for James NOT to have been an officer, but perhaps a Sergent, or if an officer, a new Lieutenant and one that rose through ranks, perhaps a battlefield commission, THAT person I could see having a relationship with Molly, but not the James of the show.


Well, those "mixed marriages" of class DO happen.

But the likely scenario of that in the real world means it surely does occur sometimes in deployment, but not lead to a relationship at home. Also it would mean that an affair between somebody like Dawes and Boss? He'd get transferred or disciplined big time if he's found out.

It's one of the biggest no-nos there are.

To Capt. James's credit, he DID tell her his feelings that had developed (and we saw he had his divorce decree in writing already), but was clear that nothing could happen while they were out there, until they were home and one of them was not active duty--he tried to do the right thing, and he knew what the right thing was-- "to wait it out."

But typically, a couple like that, even if the man IS not class bound, don't go off hand in hand down the Royal Crescent of Bath together that often in the real world. Oi.

The Other Half (English and former Royal military) found the whole thing quite entertaining.

His rolled his eyes at the whole illegal fraternization storyline and said at the end, "Oh god what I would not give for an invitation to THAT wedding, with her family and his sharing the pews. That reception would quite an experience."

I cried laughing. He's right! He said, "His family had better be champagne socialists or they're going to have to elope to Gretna Green." ha


Agreed that they do happen, but it IS very rare and in the circumstances I found it highly improbable that James would risk his career in that way. The storyline seemed shoehorned into the series and really, based on the original film, wasn't necessary in the least. The story of Molly Dawes did not need an illicit relationship with an officer to make a compelling series. A Romance perhaps, but not with a much higher ranked solder. Liked the series overall. Was entertained, but felt it should have been much better.


I found the existence of the love triangle depressing. I believed the show to be about Molly finding purpose and fulfilment after her previous dead end life. Surely her experiences in the army with numerous death defying adventures would have been enough. Why did it have to come down to a "who do you love" melodrama. They could have stayed at home and filmed in a factory if that was what they were after (the company owner or the fork lift driver). All in all a let down and I'm sure that Lacey could have done with a break from Eastenders style plotlines.



That's what was sad about this series. The film was a sweet journey for her coming into her own and launching from the Army setting to use her newly found self and skills for the good.

The film struck just the right note of poignancy for Molly.

But it's as though somebody in production pushed for this triangle because they wanted to increase ratings with an unrealistic outcome that would bring in the girl viwers.

But it sullied the spirit of what could have been the rest of Molly's story. It would be nice every now and then for producers to have a show that can do both--inspire AND be entertaining at the same time, especially these days with the state that some deprived young women's lives are in.

You know the saddest thing I found about this ruination of Molly's story?

That instead of the wonderful message of the first film--to push yourself out of your comfort zone if you are at a dead end, to see what you can do--and succeed.

The message of this series seemed to be: Find a way to get away from your deprived life, get some qualifications that are useful in the world, then once in your job break ALL the rules along the way endangering all those around you, then....drum roll....what journey does this take you on? A journey to a house on the Royal Crescent in Bath.

Is that what we wanted to tell young women in Molly's position? Wouldn't it have been a better story for all if it had been more realistic in her outcome?

The message I got from it is that your inner journey to improve yourself and become somebody wonderful isn't enough. You only succeed if it takes you into a wealthy man's life.

Cinderella stories always have their place in drama. But at this time in the world and society, it might have been nice to have a popular drama be very entertaining with a charming lead like Molly, but have a realistic message to for young women.

Missed opportunity.


He isnt her direct superior. There are various ranks inbetween including lance corporal, corporal and sergeant and lieutenant. In fact she would probably have more of a working relationship with her corporal than she would any of them. However I take the point and most likely it wouldn't happen. However it's a TV drama. Lots of things happen in TV dramas that wouldn't happen including police dramas and hospital dramas. I just go with the flow and suspend disbelief.


He isnt her direct superior.

By that, I mean he is in her chain of command. He isn't an officer in another unit or division with no direct link. He is in her direct chain of command.


I loved the whole improbable entertaining story from beginning to end. The only criticism I have is that they told too much story in five eps. It should have been a longer series to do justice to all the different storylines.

The whole romance with James was all part of Molly finding herself. He helped her with that by supporting her and encouraging her and allowing her to just do what she needed to do. All summed up at the end when he encouraged her to go back to army life. All Smurf wanted to do was look after her and protect her and coddle her - in much the same way as her mum did. She rejected all that for someone who just wanted to hold her hand and let her be what she needed to be. He facilitated her growth.

I hope there is a second series. I for one want to find out what happens when they meet the families. Could be hilarious. I also want to see where she goes from here career wise.
