Hypocritical (a bit)

I don't mean to be the cynic; but there were a few things in this film that drove me a bit nuts and are never acknowledged

1.) minimalism in the 21st century: they don't mention the fact that technology has allowed us to take a more minimalist approach to our lives. Instead they only can highlight the negatives it brings. The two main guys in the documentary gloat about their suitcases and how "minimal" they are with clothes. Ohh yea....and I have a phone and a laptop. Lets not bring up the fact that one cell phone has replaced: a phone, a portable GPS, a vehicle GPS, a road atlas, city maps/guides, flight itineraries, voice recorders, a voicemail machine, notebooks, files, binders, traveler's checks, a flashlight, a camera, a video recorder, and lots and lots and lots of books, magazines etc.

2.) Commercialism and capitalism are wrong.....we'll tell you why when you buy our book for $9.99. Nearly all of the "dreamer, drifter" types in this film never acknowledge how they afford to live the traveling style they do. Sure it shows them walking and driving old cars. But its not that simple or easy. These guys are selling a book to live the way they want. How bout everyone else that doesn't get to travel? Didn't see a lot of underprivileged minorities in this film living the carefree lifestyle they were feeling. Probably because it requires more money then they care to admit in the film. Hey, look how happy I am in my 300 square foot home......on this beautiful plot of land you could never afford. Live in a 300 square foot trailer on 8-mile outside Detroit and let me know if you end up upgrading your digs.

Don't mean to *beep* on the movie. I still agree with most of the messages, especially consumerism and people investing their money in all the wrong places.


Getting rich convincing other people they donĀ“t need money. :)


That really annoyed me too. Even the small home designers were selling high end, luxury apartments-even if they were "small". And the guys shilling for their website and their book were wearing current, high-end clothes. Couldn't make it through the whole thing.


I'll start off saying I didn't enjoy the documentary. But it sounds like you guys are missing the point slightly, their concept of having less, isn't to do with money, what it sounded like it was more about reducing the amount of unimportant things in most aspects of their lives. It's not a Jesus-like concept of having less and not wanting wealth, it's more like having less but still good quality things, i.e. their designer clothes, sure they might be expensive, but how many pieces do they own? Anyway, I think the documentary did a very poor job of exploring the subject.


I'm only about halfway through this, and while enjoy it, I still appreciate this post.

They could be more honest with the costs & what they are selling here. On the other hand, I still think it is fair to critique a system even while still having to be dependent on it. These systems and social ills are hegemonic so it's not really possible to completely detach yourself from them. Though you could argue (as you did) that they could go further and that their lifestyle comes from a point of privilege, not just philosophy.

Favorite directors: Tarantino, Coen, Kubrick, Hitchcock, P.T.A., Aronofsky, Fincher & Leigh


Yeah I got the same vibe..

here we have 2 "successful" i.e made a good amount of money before they hit 35-40? and now all of a sudden..... want to do away with stuff.......and sell you a book and probably sold this documentary as well.

Right now I am up to some wall street Dbag that claims to have been making tons of money and I suppose denied some big promotion?....because..... he wouldn't be able to live a life of "purpose" other wise...?

I cannot stand this HUG guy begging for HUGS from people either.

HE needs the hugs. depressed as hell.. is probably 1 step away from jumping off a bridge.

This probably should just be called materialism and avoiding it and saving your cash for your future.

I mean what do these 2 guys DO when they arn't on their 10 month book tour??
WHAT ARE THEY DOING with all this FREE TIME and with their lives??? Minus the book tour.. WTF r they doing daily??

I am all for a minimalistic lifestyle but these 2 guys shouldn't be trying to be the poster child for the idea/movement.
