Couldn't stand Mel

I have to admit Taissa Farmiga did a good job in the role. But a I hate a whiney and immature and awful

Her boyfriend was a douche, but she was abusive to him and sent him to the ER twice..and to jail.

If hed done that to her hed be in prison!


I agree completely. She was especially immature when she was angry because he wanted to take the job and do long distance, she thought it was all about her


Um I think her reaction was pretty real. I mean, would you not get upset if your partner of 6 years makes a huge decision without even telling you? He could have told her when he thought it MIGHT happen, so she could prepare herself. Rather than just saying "so look, I'm moving to NYC".

I think it's the springing of information on her rather than conversing with her about what his plans actually are and what he wants. That would probably get a better reaction. And really, the following day she came to see him to tell him that she was OK with long distance (see what giving people time to digest information will do?) and he was already banging another girl.

It's like when he was caught by text cheating (kissing the co-worker) his response was to say it's no big deal.

She's definitely immature in the way she would get violent, but he was equally immature because he would just spring horrible things on her and expect her to just accept it.


Totally agree with that. And actually I don't really get into the movie. What dose it want to say? It's so god damn emotional that I can't take anymore. Really don't like it...


Yep, her behavior was totally unacceptable. Mel needs serious anger management skills and maybe a psych eval too, lol.
Having said that, Taissa is an incredible talent, and her portrayal of Mel was superb.
