How does it begin?

Due to a mix-up with the starting time, I missed the first 10 or 15 minutes. I arrived when Marion was getting married. What happened before that?


Don't give me songs
Give me something to sing about


You see her fall for her teacher who has given her a book to read. I think it is Wuthering Heights. She comes on to him as she is just driven to experience a great love. She does so at a village gathering where they are all eating at a long table. He is with his wife and she gets him off to the side to give her very explicit note. He rebukes her and goes back to the table where she runs behind him and smacks him in front of everyone and then runs off into the woods as she always does in this movie. At one point she also stands naked or nearly naked as she is in silhouette in her second story window one night when all the workers were outside where they could see her, including Jose. Her parents decide she needs to be married. They settle on the formidable Spanish laborer who experienced Franco and escaped. She resents the idea of this planned marriage and tells Jose she doesn't love him and won't sleep with him. And he says he doesn't love her and then they you see the wedding... And they are off to the south (Aix) where he is going to build their house, be a bricklayer or whatever as construction manager.
