MovieChat Forums > We Are Your Friends (2015) Discussion > is there any possiblity that this isn't ...

is there any possiblity that this isn't completely atrocious?

even the name of the movie is terrible


I honestly think this movie would have done better with a different title. WTF is up with this title. I didn't even know what the movie was about until I Googled it.


Although I agree this movie looks like garbage and being a fan of the culture (which I have been for years, long before this "Edm" craze swept America) I'm completely embarrassed by this movie. As far as the title goes, "we are your friends" is a classic song by justice. I guess the filmmakers just thought that all the teeny boppers they're targeting this film towards would get the reference but I highly doubt anyone this movie is aiming towards has a clue who justice is.


No possibility.

I'm having trouble with a patient of mine; he's a teenage drug addict who's being molested. By me.


If half way through it turns out Zac Efron is a catfish


what if he got catfished!


Early reviews have actually all been pretty positive...most comparing it to a mixture of Social Network and Magic Mike...except about the DJ/EDM world and not about Facebook/Stripping.

And the title refers to people trying to make it in Hollywood and the people we start out with as well as the people we meet along the way that we trust to help us achieve our dreams. Your "friends" tell you "We Are You Friends" and that they will be with you to the end but then betray you once you 'make it' and they don't. Or in the case of a shady manager/agent type...he tells you "We Are Your Friends" here at ___________ Records and if you sign this deal we will make all your dreams come true, then it turns out he is ripping you off.

Makes sense if you think about it. It's alot more clever and unique than the obvious titles they could have given it...such as something like "Spinnin'" or "Groove" or "Drop the Beat" or "Trance" (even though thats a Danny Boyle film from 2013 anyway). Personally I would have called it "All the Rage". Simply because its about Rage music, its a film about trends and when something is a trend people say its 'all the rage, everyones doing it'...and Zac's monologue in the first teaser trailer about this generation's frustrations with the system could also apply (all the RAGE they feel).


What reviews you saw? I read the reviews of Amy Nicholson and David Hughes (from Empire) and some blog reviews, and they all seems from mixed to positive, so I think there's a chance for this even be bad, but not this "catastrophe" everyone is predicting


You've got it about right. "Mixed to positive." The movie is kind of bland but not a disaster. Just predictable.


We Are Your Friends' is the title of a popular remix by French electronic duo Justice, released in 2008, of the track of the same name performed by the British electronic group Simian Mobile Disco

The song is used in the trailer, it's to give the sorta club do feel.


Thanks for the perceptive analysis.


I saw it yesterday. I was a clubber until recently (still am, I suppose) although here in London, UK, so I am not aware of the LA scene. I liked it and so did my mate; it's quite good fun. The last ten minutes are actually quite moving.

It's not the best film I've seen this year, but a turkey it is not. If you're into what you call EDM across the pond, then I'd recommend it.
