I don't care...I liked this

I don't know a damn thing about DJing, so if any of that was inaccurate and stupid to the DJing crowd - sorry but I don't care.

The rest of it, I thought at least was well made. If you are going to see a "Zac Efron is a DJ" movie, not sure what more you could possibly expect.


I just saw it few hours ago. I liked it too.

I thought Emily Ratajkowski's performance was solid (she didn't really have that much to work with anyway, but she can definitely act) and the directing was pretty interesting during certain scenes. I went into the film expecting shallow characters, gorgeous-looking locations and enjoyable music, and that's precisely what I got, and because of the direction, I liked it even more than I expected.

It does get boring near the end, and I didn't think the dramatic scenes had much of an impact, but overall, it's a good movie. It's even fairly self-aware of how shallow it is; the girls that keep asking Cole to play Drunk In Love represent the shallow trashy party girls that you'd expect to see in real life.

I don't know anything about DJing either, so whether the scenes where he was explaining how DJing works were accurate or not, it's pretty irrelevant to me, because I found Cole's explanation on DJing pretty interesting anyway, and that's all that matters.

I'd rather watch characters talk about a subject in an inaccurate yet entertaining way instead of watching characters talk about a subject in an accurate yet boring way.


It wuz fine until da deaf scene which seemed forced


Did you mean "death"? I'm sitting here trying to figure if i somehow missed someone going deaf lol.
