MovieChat Forums > We Are Your Friends (2015) Discussion > What was the movie aiming for?

What was the movie aiming for?

Beyond the mindless meandering of hanging out at their run-down house, going to festivals with party drugs, and teenage desperation, I don't think there was much of a plot. Call me cynical but I think the script needed some rework. What I saw was a lukewarm narrative about a DJ who wants to break out of the valley through his authenticity and at the same time earn money to make ends meet. I wasn't entirely convinced that Cole was ready to stop selling drugs and quit his real estate gig because there was no real epiphany that happened on his end. All we see is Cole collect money seemingly unphased by the questionable nature of his work. The handful of dramatic scenes lacked any impact to really strike a chord with the audience. His friend's death just came and went like a fart in the wind. His relationship with James Reed was all too convenient and probably for the sake of moving the movie forward. Problem is, Cole's lack of a struggle means there is no emotional payoff for the audience. I think the director got too involved in making sure WAYF catered to teen culture (in the most superficial sense possible) that he forgot to make a movie.

I will say the acting was believable for the most part, and Emily had a BANGING body. Jesus..Godbless the wardrobe assistant.


The movie was aiming for every 90s cliche in the book -- and it hit a bullseye on every one!

Single mom is preyed upon by evil businessman
Young protege suddenly discovers that get-rich-quick scheme is predatory con game
Peaking show biz icon befriends young up-and-comer for no discernible reason and then passes the torch
Peaking show biz icon is actually a drunk
The quiet, innocent member of the entourage is the one who dies in drug orgy
