Great movie

Saw this with my mate two nights ago at the cinema. We both loved it. We're the same age as the main characters and have a similar lifestyle so could relate to them quite a bit.

I lived in LA for three months in 2013 and had a similar experience to Efron. Was trying to make it and met a girl with a boyfriend who didn't appreciate her - and i made her mine and we wen't on all these crazy adventures together. Maybe this is why I like the movie more than others.

We go to the movies each week and would say is one of the best movies we have seen this winter. More enjoyable than Trainwreck. About 10 other people were in the cinema with us and everyone stayed till the end of the credits.

The end scene where Zac Efron finally listens to the world around him and creates his track with those sounds and then plays it to the audience was so well executed.

Will watch again. Who else enjoyed it?


Glad you enjoyed it, but I think you may alone in that sentiment..


I didn't not-enjoy it, but it was simply two bland and predictable to really entertain me.

You and Efron share the same experience. He told Seth Myers on the Late Show that as a young actor, he lived in the Valley and ran around with several other striving actors of the same age, all trying to make it in Show Biz. This is probably why the movie appealed to you so much and probably why Efron agreed to accept this role. But the two of you together make a pretty small audience.
