Why did this movie fail?

Just finished watching this movie and I have to say I thought it was pretty good. The acting was great all around, the music was so catchy, and Zac Efron was the leading man (not only is he gorgeous, but he's a great actor too). I was so surprised when this movie bombed so hard. I mean, it's not fantastic, but it was completely watchable and entertaining. I was actually surprised to read on Wikipedia that this film made a total of $9.4 million worldwide, which was enough to earn back its $2 million budget as well as make a profit. I didn't think it would be a huge hit, but I figured it would make at least double what it actually did!


I think it was poorly marketed.


I agree. I think a different title would have helped...maybe the line his friend said: The Moment Before it Starts (or something like that)


Poorly marketed. The music isn't very good either, and the DJ stereotypes are inaccurate and pretty awful.


It was a terrible film.
