
The man does not have a living brain cell. The descriptions of places he visits are as such.... "10 minutes ago we were there, now were here"... Wow, intriguing stuff.
The man poses in front of every mirror, every camera and at every opportunity... He is even further up his own backside than his stick insect wife - which is really saying something.
Beckham tries to make out that he is getting away from it all to where he will not be recognized - so off he trots with a BBC film crew, a security detail and a couple of plastic mates that even manage to make him sound intelligent. The funniest thing is for a guy claiming to be getting away from it all - when he is not recognized he comes across as genuinely shocked and asks "don't you know who I am".
This is a truly terrible program which does nothing except play into Beckham's massive self-worth and ego...
