"Marked Man" Episode

Say what you want about about Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, but those guys know merchandising. Co-owner/team president Schuyler Hoversten doesn't seem to know much.

Did the guitar player know she was supposed to play "The Star Spangled Banner"? Gene was ticked off. He is very patriotic.

The stands looked empty on bobble head night. Did a lot of fans get their bobble heads then go home?

I am not surprised head coach Bob McMillen does not get along well with QB and offensive coordinator Aaron Garcia. Head coaches want to bring in their own guy to run the offense and/or defense. Ownership forced Garcia on McMillen during the season.

KISS drummer Eric Singer and guitar player Tommy Thayer sat with Gene and Paul at the Portland game. Those guys are good luck. They should attend all the games.

A six hour bus ride to road game and a walk through in a parking lot look bush league.

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for Los Angeles KISS co-owner Brett Bouchy on the Three Sides Of The Coin podcast.
