Nose Surgery

Don't remember her name but had her collapsed nose redone.. There is NO difference! Just some makeup to smooth out her skin tone. Interesting show..


tht woman definally went the michael jackson route...broke her nose like michael
thn just kept chopping it up...6 surgeries??? now her wonder it colapsed.....


ITA... her nose actually looked more natural before she went in. Hard to believe "her boyfriend" wanted her to have her breasts enlarged FIRST back in the day when she was still a dude with a penis and all...

When there is no more room on IMDB, the trolls will wheel to 4chan.


I think you are talking about a different person than they are. The collapsed nose was a black woman.


Her name was Michelle(I remember because that is mine too) Anyway, I thought she looked much better than before especially with what they were working with. She had a nice outcome,imo.

Kimber,the other lady who is mentioned here was a bit disappointing. Her nose post surgery nose looked very artificial to me,noted moreso in profile shots. I thought she was prettier before in respect to the nose.

Both ladies seem very nice and I hope they are enjoying their new looks.

"If I wasn't a transvestite terrorist,would you marry me?"


There is NO difference!

There was definitely a difference (her nostrils were no longer collapsed). However, I wouldn't consider the new nose job a success. Her nose looked worse after the surgery than before.
