The Muppet Twins

I don't know what bothered me more about those Aussie weirdos, their grease pencil-drawn eyebrows, their fake wax lips, or their irritating ability to finish each other sentences, or the fact that they shared a boyfriend & talked about bed play with the doctors.

Say_Something_Stupid's Youtube:


they were some funny looking broads, and that frenchy should stop increasing boob size and try to do something about her face, 40 yrs old, thats a hard 40.




I smell stunt casting with these two. Definitely recruited by the show just for air time and boobies. There was never any intention of taking them as serious patients.


They grossed me out more than any other people they've had on the show. The way their lips were silently moving when other people were talking was beyond bizarre. Their eyebrows weren't even close to identical. Tired of the stunt casting too.


They look like they're related to that guy who had the "blow job" lips and cartoon brows.
