MovieChat Forums > Botched (2014) Discussion > Dr. Dubrow's barbs towards Dr. Nasif'

Dr. Dubrow's barbs towards Dr. Nasif'

Does it bother anyone else that this happens in front of clients? Dr. Nasif is a handsome guy and seems to be a caring human being. What Dr. Dubrow says about Dr. Nasif's appearance has to hurt on some level, is superficial, but worse is that he says it in front of potential patients, and patients already under their care. I'm sure, as friends they toss barbs back and forth as most friends do, but it shouldn't be done in front of clients, or is it scripted this way?

Friendship...It's like therapy for poor people!


I totally agree with you! Paul/Dr. Nassif is such a sweet, professional gentleman at all times and it pains me to see Terri/Dr. Dubrow constantly putting him down for no reason. To me it speaks volumes about Dubrow, who I have come to really despise although I do enjoy the show.

Watching a grown man eagerly pouncing at every opportunity possible to make fun of his esteemed colleague is just mortifying and makes me cringe, especially since Dr. Nasif never ever does it back and never seems to dwell on it.

Dubrow clearly bullies Nasif on the show and it creates an unsettling dynamic.

I get the impression to be honest that Dubrow is self-loathing and his outlet is projecting his insecurities and unhappiness on Nasif who is clearly a much more stable and considerate person.

Dubrows comments come off as toxic and immature, and his degrading comments to Nasif really bother me and gross me out, wether or not patients are present, it's just totally inappropriate and weird.



Anyone catch the name of the actress who had her "zombie boobs" corrected on tonight's episode?


Heather Elizabeth Parkhurst

She was kind of gross to watch. Breast obsessed despite her 'I just want breasts I don't care if they're small' act in front of the doctors. Before that she was all about wanting the 'boobalicious' roles. You don't plan for 'boobalicious MILF' roles if you're not planning to get your giant implants put back in no matter what. (And they came out pretty bad in my opinion, ended up looking like perfectly round balls sitting on her chest instead of breasts.)



These guys are clearly good friends. I don't see it as anything but good natured teasing between old friends.



I don't see it as barbs. Just some good old teasing between long time friends/colleagues. But, I do agree that it could be toned down in front of potential patients because they have no idea how well they (Dr Nassif & Dr Dubrow) know each other when they first walk through the door.


I think it's good natured ribbing, although Dubrow does go a bit too far sometimes.


It's my least favorite part of the show (but then I was a picked on youngest sibling). I find it unprofessional.


I find Dr. Dubrow a bit creepy and somewhat unprofessional in the way he behaves. I'm sure he's a fine surgeon, perhaps one of the best around, but his behavior is somewhat off-putting to me.

I'm not against good-natured ribbing between colleagues, I think most men who work together tend to do that, but if I were him I'd keep it off-camera. Clearly Dr. Nassif would prefer to keep that stuff off TV, and I think I would as well.

A good sense of humor is nice for a doctor to have (my podiatrist and my urologist are both hilarious, as an example) but I think if it were me, I'd tend to keep the more marginal stuff away from the cameras.



I think he amps up the teasing a bit for the cameras, but a lot of it is just his personality. I've been to a few consultations with plastic surgeons regarding my nose and in my experience, the atmosphere, while professional, is a bit more loose and casual than you'd find in most doctor offices. One of the surgeons I talked to straight up cracked a joke about how I clearly did not inherit my nose from my mother. I wasn't offended and it didn't come off as unprofessional/rude to me although it would in just about any other situation.


Some of it comes across as too much, too immature... but do remember that, while there's obviously a shred of realism to the personalities shown, it's clearly played up as a "straight man and funny man" comedy duo act, for the cameras, and they likely do several takes to get this "realism" right, on this "reality" show.


I was watching an episode of REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ORANGE COUNTRY and Dr. Dubrow was on vacation with his wife Heather and their four children and he said he would rather be working than spend time with his children. He wasn't joking either. The other night he made a comment about Dr. Nasif's height and I was thinking, "You aren't that tall yourself mister". It obviously hurt Dr. Nasif's feelings and yes, it was in front of their clients. If I absolutely needed plastic surgery I would choose Dr. Nasif because I feel he is the kinder, gentler of the two and he explains the operations with more finesse than Dr Dubrow.

"Whither is fled the visionary gleam? Where is it now, the glory and the dream?"



I just started season two, but I can't wait to see Paul making fun of Terry for once. They are both perfectionist and I respect that. I also like the fact that they don't operate on people who are addicted to plastic surgery.

"Whither is fled the visionary gleam? Where is it now, the glory and the dream?"



I agree that Dr. Dubrow is a bully toward Dr. Nasif. He doesn't deserve to be teased like that over and over and especially in front of patients. If it was good-natured, that would be one thing. Dr. Dubrow seems malicious in his joking.

Now, Botched Post-Op; what a mistake. Heather sees another reason to get her untalented self on tv in another show and must have jumped into it with both feet. They tried this before and it went over like a turd in swimming pool.
One of the first things that jumped out at me is the canned laughter. I thought that went out with 70s-80s sitcoms. She spends a lot of time introducing the clips, which then last for about 15 seconds. Hopefully, they will realize their mistake and cancel it.

She did it! She did it! The lady with the grape!



You're right. Paul should be able to handle that situation...he is a grown man!

She did it! She did it! The lady with the grape!
