Mixed Signal

There was some stuff about the movie that I really did like. It started with a bit of a slow burn and then built up from there ......... but unfortunately it ended up at an unbelievable place due to some audience tricks (half the 'plot' being current day while the action at the radio station was all 'recorded' the day before)

While it caused a surprising reveal of who the killer was, it also didn't make sense (how did Sarah haunt Ben/Laurie/Karla the day BEFORE Kate and Nick were going to her father's house ?)

The connection was contrived as to aligning everything up (Sarah's brother going with Kate, who was also online dating with Ben ..... and the last night guest at Laurie's show being a psychic, who got static signals from Sarah who was killed by Ben)
]So, I'm torn ..........kind of liked it overall, even though the pieces were really forced together HARD to get to the conclusion that they wanted.

And let's not mention why didn't Sarah's father report his daughter murdered ? And how was Kate's son 'possessed' or whatever and involved so that he ended up at the radio station.

Like I said, they used a hammer to make this one fit together. Sometimes using ghosts to reveal murderers doesn't always work out so well. This movie had a surprising decent cast and some solid effects, so overall I'll give it a pass and say it is worth viewing.

And I will say that the reveal of Ben as the killer (while coming out of left field entirely by at the end) was quite surprising as the actor and character(up to the end) was quite likeable. It didn't help that until the reveal there were no clues as to how the killer met all of the victims, so that also made it jarring, even if it 'added up'.


I think the actor playing Ben was surprised himself to be the killer 
