MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Flopped in the foreign market.

Flopped in the foreign market.

+ Foreign: $173,011,158

I am pretty sure Disney was banking on the foreign market as they always do. Its a sad day when the most iconic character ever barely makes any money.

= Worldwide: $385,185,465


The iconic character wasn't played by the actor who made him iconic to begin with.


Chris Pine was great as Kirk in the reboot. Doesn't need to be the same guy. Having said that, Alden Ehrenreich didn't get it done and at least part of the blame for Solo's failure can be placed on him


"Doesn't need to be the same guy."

True. But, most people didn't want this movie without Ford. There's a similar resistance with replacing Fisher in the Leia role.

At least hire an actor like Anthony Ingruber who looks and can act like Ford especially since he was the main character.

Pine resembles Kirk and did a great job with Shatner's mannerisms and voice work. Ditto Urban and Quinto.


The iconic character was dead before this movie was even started...... thats how much they cared about that iconic character


It flopped overseas but it still didn't come close to the massive floppage that was Disney's A Wrinkle in Time. That made less than 40 million overseas!


I have no clue why Disney thought it would do well overseas.

By all accounts, its a beloved book in America, the rest of the world just kind of don't really know it.

And it was crap which didn't help.


I've heard it didn't have any better luck in China based on TLJ. The fact that Chinese audience never cared too much about Star Wars in the first place certainly didn't help matters either. So Solo is somewhat dead on arrival when it comes to China.

Edit: Okay. I just later realized that you were actually discussing about The Wrinkle in Time. Yeah, the book was probably not that well-known outside the US for the movie to be able to perform as well. My guest is that Disney were probably going with the marquee factor to sell in that case.
