MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > In the 3 years that followed their separ...

In the 3 years that followed their separation ... *SPOILERS*

After escaping, Han, with his newly given surname 'Solo' achieved getting kicked out of the flight academy and amounted to nothing more than lowly soldier - eventually being sentenced to be killed. His ONLY goal was to earn enough money to buy a ship so he could return for Qi'ra, sadly he had nothing.

Qi'ra, after *not* escaping, managed to become a 'top' lieutenant, the right-hand for the regions largest crime boss, seemingly adept at all manner of negotiations as well as highly proficient at combat - and also a sith in-waiting?

The development timeline seemed odd while watching this film ...

Han also didn't freak out when he saw her, she was the only reason he was doing what he was doing in the first place ...



Yeah she hinted at that, it just seems a little odd. She appeared remorseful which doesn't really fit if she was going down the sith path.

I also half expected her to have a fair bit of animosity towards Han for not coming back for her, but she didn't.

A little more of an explanation of how exactly she was given the opportunity when they had spent their lives trying to find a way out, but had failed, would have been good. Given her level of competence and skills, it seems that it can't have been too much after their split. Earning such high regard in such a short amount of time seemed a little convenient.

She seemed out of place there anyway.



Maul is no longer a Sith. That's why he's just listed as 'Maul'. Whether he would still take an apprentice to teach the Jedi arts, I don't know.

