MovieChat Forums > 400 Days (2016) Discussion > facts supporting simulation

facts supporting simulation

OK these type of movie are made for having dual intrepretation . the clue supporting simulation/(some character imagination like in many movie -altitude)

- all clocks havin time of 10:10 which means they are just dummy piece

- the town name "welcom to triangulation"

-in the diner other people didnt gave a *beep* of "who r u astronout"

-peeople walkin like jombies

-who will place knife in a space ship so easily on wall if not in the case it hass to be used over for some plan


- The diner owner got angry and did not answer about his ear pieces
- The light shining in through the hatch at the very end
- Cameras on the ship following action untill the very end, although there would be noone to control them by then
- Some prople in the diner really were from the porn magazines or the pre-launch journalists


A couple of major things point to it not being a simulation:

1. They kill Zell.
2. The outside. That wasnt a trick. How would they deforest an entire area, have a perpetual sandstorm and block out the sun for a simulation?
3. Finding moon dust in the dirt outside. How could they get enough moondust to cover that entire area in a simulation?

I say the message at the end was a recording, and the world really has been destroyed by an asteroid hitting the moon. The locals really were cannibals.

"Men on fire pray for rain"


3. Finding moon dust in the dirt outside. How could they get enough moondust to cover that entire area in a simulation?

I haven't seen the movie yet, but...

The tires/wheels of the real Apollo lunar rover were tested in the state of Mississippi, USA, and the 'stand-in' for moon dust was volcanic ash, brought in from the Pacific northwest area in rail cars. (That work predated Mt. St. Helens' massive eruption.)
I saw, and touched, the actual equipment used, years after the first use of the lunar rover. It was kept intact for whatever reason... CHALLENGE: See if you can Google to find out who and exactly where that testing was done.
(If you get stumped, ask, and I'll tell you exactly where.)

So, there really is no shortage of volcanic ash to be used in covering "an area", just the question of costs involved.

===> Edited to add a typical special effects trick <===

Or, they could have used dried mashed potato flakes. That is used to simulate snow for movies. If you really needed it grey, give it a dose of food coloring. If you wanted it to appear heavy like rock dust, mix the potato flakes with construction cement (cement, sand, and water is used to make concrete). That is easily available everywhere, and probably pretty cheap too.

That "outside area" was so dark anyway, it was probably done inside a sound stage. That would have limited problems with wind blowing the dust around, and kept "lookey loos" away from the filming. If not, it was likely a small area anyway, nothing like the "miles" they supposedly walked.

I've been places, I've seen some things, and I've done some things.


I agree with you, but either way it wasnt very good. The message was choppy with some static consistent with equipment that hadn't been painted for a while. If it wasnt a hallucination it should have been a lot better, and any movie that relies on hallucinating is terrible.


1) That doesn't mean it wasn't a simulation. They killed him because they believed they were in genuine danger. It's not like it would make sense to put them down there with fake knifes for 400 days.

2) Who knows? Maybe they moved the capsule like Dvorak suggested. Who says we were even seeing the real sky?

3) They don't have to. They only need some moon dust in the local area. It's not like they were going to travel to different places to make sure the composition is the same everywhere.

I say the message at the end was a recording, and the world really has been destroyed by an asteroid hitting the moon. The locals really were cannibals.

Which doesn't make sense either. If they really were cannibals, how were Theo and Emily able to sleep without being grabbed? Why does the lady in the kitchen say she's sorry when she stabs Theo? What is shining the light down the hatch when it opens at the end?

Regardless of which idea we prefer, neither make any sense.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


I think everything was a hallucination.


The girl was in on it, administering the hallucinogen with the shots which were not part of the protocol as the big guy with eidetic memory pointed out. The girl kept taking those pills to counter the hallucinogen effects. It was an experiment to find the most hallucination resistant astronaut because apparently, you start seing some cray cray stuff in space.


The only way I can see the whole thing as a hallucination would be if almost everything is a hallucination.

Starting from the ending, which I suppose we can take a a factual snapshot of reality, we have Theo and Emily, alone in the pod, having just killed a man. Let's start from there and go backwards.

The other two crew members just disappeared, and Theo & Emily were told there were no other people to begin with, just the two of them. Maybe there actually were only two crew members to begin with; Bug and Dvorak were part of the dual hallucination. Theo & Emily began imagining other crew members at some point in their confinement.

In that case, Theo & Emily had worked themselves into a state of delusion, in which they imagined a breach in the pod's security, leaving the pod, discovering a post-apocalyptic society, hurrying back to the pod, and defending it from intruders, to the death.

Then the 400 days end, the announcement comes on, and the pod opens as planned. They are then standing there, reality intruding on their 400 -day illusion, having killed someone (possibly a member of the programme come to lead them back out of the pod?) and neither of them sure if the illusion was real and leaving the pod is dangerous, or if it was a delusion and they have broken down mentally and committed a murder.

But I don't think the movie intended it all to be a hallucination.


That makes absolutely no sense. You cannot gauge how likely a person is to experience isolation induced hallucinations while you're also drugging them with hallucinogenic compounds.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


you missed out the night-vision recordings during the external shots.

all in all, im not happy with the film. i was really diggin' it right up until the end where nothing was paid-off. And if this was just about messing with their minds.. i mean, to what end. What is the point of jacking them up with hallucinogens, im pretty sure enough research has been done, so what did it really accomplish? This is a prime example of a film that had a lot of the right elements, and was quite gripping, but just fell to *beep* in the last 5 minutes because the filmmakers really had NOTHING beyond 'lets do some creepy *beep* for 80 minutes'.


I just watched this and, while I enjoyed it, I don't know what to believe about whether it was real or a simulation or what. However in one scene when the two left were running through a warehouse or something in town they ran through a dark area that seemed to have racks of clothes on hangers. That doesn't mean much, but it struck me as a little odd because if it were a simulation it could have been a staging area or dressing/wardrobe room.


This was no simulation, at least not in the reality you and I are in. Maybe it was a simulation via an administered and monitored hallucinogen.

- They killed people: Theo smashed a man's head in multiple times outside the hatch with a fire extinguisher, the butcher whom he strangled to death and Emily shanking Zell in the neck in the ship.

- When they left the hatch to explore they said they'd probably been walking for "an hour or 2" by the time they got to the abandoned house. It's just not practical; there's not a big enough budget or area to pull off what they saw when exploring outside plus everything around them was scorched moon dust earth as opposed to having clusters of massive hundred + year old trees that was seen around them when entering the hatch.

- Theo was stabbed by a townslady with little consequence and it was never really addressed after. He just kept chugging on, nbd. He didn't even take off his suit and address it when getting back in to the ship! In reality, he would have been bleeding out and ripping off his suit to get patched up.


problem is that idiot director left to viewers to figure out
themself what they wish to be true

it can both be a simulation with hallucogens or some devastating event

and without ending we don't know

but for sakes of scarryness lets take apocalypse scenario,
if those 2 old farts were butchers, thus cooks, why feed
all the "zombified" people there...
what do they contribute to that small society ?
nobody of them was even talking except that lunatic's wife
and maybe that chick in tavern

and also that man in cage, why starve him ?
why not simply chopp him and put in fridge

and if they are all cannibals then how long would they
survive with killing people who come, eventualy they would
kill their own...
then again if we take it all being some freaky simulation
then indeed very much has been invested to create such
weird surroundings but
with that ending and fact that in beggining the "ship" did
get some sort of movement (when they all panic), and that
lunatic's story of something happening, it more adds up to
being some cataclism

but again, too confusing with so many things
you can't tell what was what without proper end
and there was none


I think a simulation and hallucinations are less likely.

The weird behavior can be explained with a) the idiot director wanting it to make ambiguous and b) the reduced oxygen in the atmosphere for months, lack of sunlight and all sorts of traumas a catastrophe of that kind brings.

What simulation would risk deaths? Of random people? Outside of the ship?! It's a space simulation among the crew.
And that a pre-recorded message was played at the end of the 400 days and not a direct contact, also speaks against a simulation. Esp. considering all what happened.

Hallucinations, well each had some of their own hallus, but the events and their continuity would mean a mass hallucinations of all involved. That's really the least imaginable.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


they said there would be hallucinations, delusions, Emily stated it when she said they had to get used to the 15% oxygen level. and they would have to watch each other. well if everyone is delusional, who is left to "watch out" for the other guys?
that part was dumb.

however, since it is in the script!! then I could see how everything is a delusion. when y9u are oxygen deprived you don't know reality at all, there is so much going on with your individual brain. Look at Bug he thought he was back home in the hospital with his dying son.

I figure there were 4 of them to begin with. Dvorak and Bug are on the ship somewhere having their own delusion. It is very possible that when Walter or whoever comes to get them gets down there, there will be no dead guy! part of the delusion you see. just because we saw blood on his spacesuit doesn't even mean it was actually there!

OR: there really was just the two of them. and that is the reason that Walter wanted her to end it with Theo, to get a more accurate assessment.
However, that would mean that the delusion had to start before they ever entered the ground. I don't even buy that.

The delusion started after all the shots and the lack of O2.


The problem there is that they continue to have delusions after they escape from the ship. So the problem isn't isolation or oxygen deprivation.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


B) Except they all have the same delusion when they leave the hatch. Lack of oxygen and isolation wouldn't cause 4 different people to have the same hallucination.

What simulation would risk deaths? Of random people? Outside of the ship?! It's a space simulation among the crew.

What is this experiment actually meant to simulate? The only thing they have to deal with is the isolation. They have gravity, they have oxygen being pumped in from outside the ship. There is absolutely no attempt made to put these people in the conditions they'll experience in space, aside from being isolated.

And that a pre-recorded message was played at the end of the 400 days and not a direct contact, also speaks against a simulation. Esp. considering all what happened.

Alright, so what is casting the bright light down the hatch after the recording ends? Why was the town populated with porn stars and reporters? Reporters who were at the press conference, but seemingly have no memory of these people.

The fact is, no matter what scenario we imagine to solve this mess they left us with, none of them make sense. The movie offers no clues, because every bit of information contradicts something else.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


- Theo was stabbed by a townslady with little consequence and it was never really addressed after. He just kept chugging on, nbd. He didn't even take off his suit and address it when getting back in to the ship! In reality, he would have been bleeding out and ripping off his suit to get patched up.

You have a poor memory. His being stabbed leads to Emily patching him up with a first aid kit he notes was not in their inventory.

My question to you, if this isn't a simulation, why did the lady apologize for stabbing him before she ran off?

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


I didn't mind this film at all, a few odd things to consider though...

The capsule seemed to be powered by solar panels on the surface, these were covered in dust and there was no sun!

They were suffering from lack of oxygen due to some kind of leak to the outside, yet they could breath outside and the rat person had removed the cover to one of the air vents

The mutated rat people, even 400 days isn't enough time to mutate people, that would require at least a new born generation and what did they eat normally?

The way the townsfolk were just hanging around waiting for their next victims, they didn't seem under pressure at all considering they were most likely doomed

That they walked for miles with no landmarks and made it back to the capsule ok

That the townsfolk had power


I think one of them was hallucinating too. Probably the main guy.


there's no mutated rat people, just people that are starving and decrepit, remember in the one scene where they leave the hatch and go to the nearest building? they found a picture of the "mutant rat man" with his family before the disaster.


Illusionists' smoke-and-mirrors, and misdirection. Real, with "tests" to confuse the real truth.

Movie never showed any solar panels... the simulator would probably have used regular power grid electricity. The power reduction could easily have been a "test" to get them to use less power, and stress them, representing a "simulated" partial outage of solar panel power.
In the mountain areas, hydroelectric power could go on at low demand levels for quite some time. (Kevin Costner's movie THE POSTMAN for example...) Also, New York City water comes from reservoirs in the nearby mountains. The elevation difference makes pumps unnecessary. Even without power, New York city would still have water pressure. Sewage disposal is a different matter though...
While the movie made a point of recycling urine into drinking water, that might not have been "real", but also just simulated.

Oxygen level decrease?
Likely a test. By adding nitrogen to the mix in the simulator, the oxygen level would have been reduced, but not particularly harmful. Carbon dioxide levels increasing... now that would be harmful. Also, it almost certainly would not have been a "bio-dome" self contained environment for a psychological test simulation. Outside dust could have blocked outside air filters, but that *should have* increased internal carbon dioxide levels, and no sensors for that were ever shown. (Yet another "tech" flaw in the movie).

Townspeople cannibals just 'waiting around'? Most likely doomed?
Lack of food and vitamins would naturally decrease activity levels in people, to conserve energy as a minimum. Never seen some of the "NAKED AND AFRAID" Discovery Channel episodes? That is a real scenario, and those only last 30 days. The townspeople had been in the dusty environment for far longer than the fake astronauts, and may have developed breathing problems. Also, the townspeople probably had adopted a fatalistic view that they were all going to die soon anyway, either when the "food" completely ran out, or there were more people hungry than they could fight off. Done deal either way, just a matter of time.

The fake astronauts walked miles, and came back to the hatch pretty easily.
Think snow... just follow the tracks in the dust. It was not windy. Same way the townspeople followed them back to the "ship".


"Movie never showed any solar panels..."

Pay attention next time. There are solar panels clearly visible when they exit the ship. They are covered in dust. But they mention having back up power and they have been in low power since the event happened.


- all clocks havin time of 10:10 which means they are just dummy piece

Let's see some screen shots of these clocks you're talking about.

- the town name "welcom to triangulation"

No, the town name is "Tranquillity", and there are real towns with that name.

-in the diner other people didnt gave a *beep* of "who r u astronout"

They didn't seem to give a *beep* about much of anything. The world ended and they're just carrying on like it's any other day.

-peeople walkin like jombies

How does this suggest the simulation theory?

-who will place knife in a space ship so easily on wall if not in the case it hass to be used over for some plan

Uhh... It was the kitchen and it was on a magnetic knife rack. They're incredibly common.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:
