Noe says

this movie could never be done in america and wants 12 yr olds to see it

Humankind cannot bear very much reality


I agree with him. Look at what happens when American studios do sexual dramas. We get 50 Shades of Grey which uses sex to sell itself instead of having a real and adult conversation about love and sex. 12 year olds can handle sex despite what people think. It's a part of human life. Trying to hide sex from adolescents only creates an unhealthy atmosphere around it. Kids shouldn't grow up thinking that sex is something wrong or taboo when in fact it's the complete opposite.


I see where your coming Crostonc its true their should be real adult convo's about sex .I feel like it comes down to the maturity factor .First of all i wouldn't trust someone like gaspar noe to educate my kids on sex in a mature way when he himself has the sexual maturity of a 13 yr old it would be like the blind leading the blind .50 shades of grey was/is created by a women with a dried out *beep* .Its and "mature adult " erotic fiction what do would one expect a 12 yr old to learn about sex from the fantasies of a woman in her 50's ?50 shades of grey and gaspar noe films are unhealthy atmospheres for kids to be learning about sex.Kid's eventually grow-up and realize that sex isn't a bad thing but good luck teaching one that isn't mature enough to grasp that concept like adults do .I feel there is a reason why there is age restrictions on things like sex in a film .That's often because the material is geared toward and adult kids and adults think and react differently a 12 yrold can't be expected to have the same understanding about sex that and adult would .I feel this director is a way out of touch with reality JMO .

Humankind cannot bear very much reality


