The shooter was

The Korean mother in law. I'm calling it right now.


Or Swift.




I said Dacious/Dascius too!

Some people call it a Cul-de-sac. I call it a Dead End


You got my vote. I'm not going for the obvious. Funny she was in her room "all day"...she put out a hit.

And I don't think the burning cars were related. I think Deshawn burned the cars, but the Korean mom had the hit.

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.


Lee Russell. The dude's completely out of control.


I thought it was Lee as well. The shooter was skinny. And Lee was acting very suspicious by the flag pole. Seems like he was setting up Gamby by saying that Gamby had done all those bad things.


I think the same thing (mostly due to his conspicuous absence when Gamby calls), but I totally forgot about the flag pole. That's definitely not a throwaway scene. Bear in mind, they wrote all 18 episodes at the same time, so everything will be connected!

Making Lee the shooter, or at least the employer of the shooter, will also open up the possibilities for Season 2. It could be Belinda and Gamby vs Russell, which was hinted at throughout the first season.


I thought it was Lee as well. The shooter was skinny. And Lee was acting very suspicious by the flag pole. Seems like he was setting up Gamby by saying that Gamby had done all those bad things.

OK...I got it! Gamby was shot and his car blown up...Lee is really Boyd Crowder, escaped from prison and living in North Carolina under the assumed identity of an effeminate high school vice principal! The shooting and exploding cars are a dead giveaway! lol


I bet it's Lee Russell

#TheXFiles #BreakingBad #Lost #Hannibal #Fringe #River #Utopia #TwinPeaks #POI


i am not too sure, i think we should just go with the obvious answer, it was dr belinda


Too tall, too thin, and far too few breasts.


She might not have been the shooter, but she called the hit. The body of the shooter most appears to most closely match that of Russell, definitely too tall to be the MIL.

That line from Russell's wife is not a throw-away. I'm guessing the MIL decided that her daughter cannot be married to a co-principal and took matters into her own hands in order to restore family honor. We have no idea what that woman's history is or what she has been saying in any of her scenes. She could be a really ruthless bitch.


I really doubt it, but this is a comedy so it would fit in with the comedy (and the comment about her being in her room all day makes it quite possible) saying that though, wouldnt she be happy her son in law is finally a principle, i am sure he didnt tell her he was co principle


It's Lee It's obvious that He is still petty while he sees Gamby has grown..All that stuff he said the flag pole..




Gamby was (possibly) busted by Lee. "You do not want to tussle with Lee Russell". 😉


I think it's Miss Abbott.


I think it's Miss Abbott.
I'm going with this.

(but it could be Shadowfax)


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Is that the teacher that has a crush on him? I think so too

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


Totally. First person came to mind.


I almost hope you're right because I don't want it to be Lee but why would she have also set fire to Lee's car? Lee would do it to his own car to allay suspicion but but Miss Abbott's love/hate was exclusively towards Gamby.
