About Walton Goggins

I always thought that Boyd Crowder (Justified) had a lot of Shane Vandrell (The Shield) in him. In fact, if Vandrell had lived to see another season, he may have actually turned into Boyd Crowder. But, Lee Russell is a completely different animal - maybe even darker if that's possible. In any event, Goggins is a terrific actor.


Goggins is awesome. He's really been so awesome in this show. New fan of him now. Seen someone met him and he seems really nice and cool. His hair is awesome too haha


But he did get a *beep* up haircut.

"I'm in a *beep* Cameron Crowe movie!"


His diversity is on point. In VP, his emotions seem to control him, especially through the last 5 episodes. In Justified, he is calm, cool, and collected throughout all 6 seasons. A great actor, too bad that the only big screen role I can think of that he was in, he didn't have any lines (American Ultra).


A great actor, too bad that the only big screen role I can think of that he was in, he didn't have any lines (American Ultra).

He was in Major League: Back to the Minors, and was in the last couple of Tarantino's films, and moves pretty seamlessly between alpha male types and screwball comedy. Easily one of my new favorites.

Having said that, he played one of the leads in a small indie film called Randy and the Mob, where he played a southern-born hitman. The premise was goofy enough, but for some reason, he did the whole movie with this robot voice that reminded me of that cheesy "Small Wonder" sitcom in the 80s. Otherwise, he's on point.


Thank you. I'll have to check those out. And I totally forgot Hateful Eight haha. He killed it in that

