MovieChat Forums > Vice Principals (2016) Discussion > Wow. Everyone over thinking this

Wow. Everyone over thinking this

Brown is the shooter - or Brown related shooter.
It is literally the only thing that makes sense.
Brown isn't just going to dissappear into the sunset, she is back for revenge and russell is next.
She has lost everything - her home, her kids, her job... duh! What else is she gona do??
We already know shes cold blooded and has a beast within.


I would rather think that it's Russell who has been wanting to take down Gamby the entire time as soon as Brown was out of the picture.


That makes more sense, actually. Russel and Gamby were appointed only as temporary principals, and Russel is crueler (see e. g. their blackmail scene with Belinda in the woods), so...

Is this bothering you?


The shooter is wearing a tribl inspired blood revenge mask.
Its revenge, dr browns soul is required to seek revenge - russell.. is not.


Is it not the head of the school's mascot with creepy trenchcoat mafia attire? Their school is the Warriors.

"I'm in a *beep* Cameron Crowe movie!"


I stand by the blood revenge/tribal thing.

It can't be russell because he can't afford police investigations happening around the sh!t he's pulled with gamby.

And just realistically no one other than brown has a motive to blow up both cars and shoot gamby.

Case closed!


Or the guy who lives over the road from Russell


 ffs.


Bill Murray is the shooter. His school has become a mockery


The girl who gamby interrupted mid song in ep1 is the shooter.


Anyone who sings Wind Beneath My Wings should be shot.

Oh wait, that's not what you were saying...


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Blythe Sassoon


by theblindkid325 » Sun Oct 2 2016 16:57:54
IMDb member since May 2013

Bill Murray is the shooter. His school has become a mockery
This or Mrs. Libby

Votes: 3,622


Blythe Sassoon


Ray admitted to Gamby that he was jealous.. The look in Ray's eye when he saw the dirt bike gift, was disbelief, that he was changing for the better, with his plan well under-way... The mask was worn out of disrespect from rays' school to gamby's. NOW, if you see the cast for "season 2" (Danny referred to the first season as 18 episodes...) RAY AND THE DAUGHTER ARE GONE. I bet he shot Gamby and kidnapped her. + Gamby's ex wife is only in 3 episodes, then she's gone too! Meanwhile, (for example) the police officer gets 8 out of 9 episodes, Lee's "Lawyer" gets 1 episode, Ray and Janelle ARE STILL GONE... I see a story unraveling here...


No. That makes no sense. Why would ray blow up russells car?
Belinda is in every episode (if you can trust the cast recent cast lists).
