I saw it yesterday.

And I didn't like it much, unfortunately. This is exactly the kind of movie that makes Dutch people mock Dutch movies. The dialogue was very wooden and forced. The whole thing was cliched kitsch. On the bright side, I appreciated the street scenes of old Amsterdam, which uses not half bad GCI and some good eye for detail. It's a shame Joram Lürsen had to direct this, because his emotional manipulation ruined what could've been an interesting movie. The story definitely had potential!

If you're comfortable with the 'this is a sad moment because a piano is playing in the background' style of directing Joram Lürsen uses, I guess this is a good watch.


But I liked it. The actors (Scholten, Derwig, Lodeizen, Leddy) did such a good job that I missed the piano completely. And as you said, the production values of the street scenes were good. Moreover, the story was an exciting one.

I enjoyed it.



I think you're being way too harsh on it. I enjoyed it quite well, it kept the tension, didn't reveal the violin makers misdeeds until the very end and tied up all the loose ends nicely. Compare this to the drivel out of Hollywood and it stands quite well.


rollerskater61, I agree with you 100%. It was a fine film, and even offered few life lessons regarding things such as greed and pride.


I agree with the OP the story had potential but unfortunately this movie suffers from that weak wooden dialogue a lot of Dutch movies have.

