MovieChat Forums > Outlaw Prophet: Warren Jeffs (2014) Discussion > The Description is completely False.

The Description is completely False.

The description of this film says that Jeffs was a Mormon leader. He was NOT a Mormon leader. Whoever wrote the description is completely ignorant to the entire situation surrounding Warren Jeffs and the FLDS following.


He was a Mormon leader. They read from the book of Mormon, talk about Joseph Smith and practice polygamy just like the Mormons did up until the 1890's. Ergo he is a Mormon leader.


The FLDS is as much of a cult as the main stream Mormon Church. No difference ...


Explain why the LDS Church is a cult.


Because ALL religions are cults.

- Belief in unproven, invisible entities as gods with great powers

- Following 'leaders' who are looked at as special due to their special knowledge of, or communication with a god.

etc., etc. etc.

This goes for Waco-like cults, and major religions. You cannot have a structured religion that relies on the congregations' belief in things like an invisible, dead, carpenter ruling the universe, and not be a cult.

Just because a religion has been around for 2000 years, fooling believers, doesn't mean it isn't based upon nonsense.

And America's founding fathers were very smart, and more skeptical even, than our country's leaders today, who use religion to prey on our citizens.



That goes against the definition of cult, which means something different and deviant from the norm

No. The definition of cult is:
"a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object." (Oxford Dictionary)

What you're talking about is "normality" and "majority" v. minority. And by the way, being in a free thinking minority doesn't make you wrong just like being in a majority doesn't make you right.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Nicely edited! Unfortunately you conveniently left out the part that negated your overreaching definition. Here's the part that concerns the word "cult" as it pertains to religion from the Oxford Dictionary:

A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object: the cult of St. Olaf


1.1A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister: a network of Satan-worshiping cults


Cali remove that fence post from your hind quarters.

- - - -
Every FGer has perfect Grammar excluding myself


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is in no way shape or form a cult.


Keep telling yourself that.



How's that whole multi-million dollar denial of equal rights thing working out for you guys in California? Always good to see a rich cult try to throw their weight around in the political arena - LOL!

Judge not lest ye be judged.


A cult is an entity which deludes its members so well, that for the most part, they never realize that they are in a cult.



Good point. Although the Democratic Party throws a bone or two to the citizens of this country; while the Republicans think we are all working for Wal-Mart and shouldn't get health care or any help at all. Don't understand how the Germans could have gone for all those Nazis running their country? You may understand more when this next election happens.


But the Nazis were closer to Democrats than Republicans (in the way that Democrats like to boast about themselves).

A) Nazis created national health care (Hitler created the first universal health care system in the world for a non-communist nation)

B) Nazis had strict gun control for citizens (a permit to buy, a permit to carry, age limits, permits only lasted 3 years, gun stores had to keep records of everyone)

C)They created a social welfare system for the poor (NSV & Winterhilfswerk), support for pregnent women, low-income families, education for all, free housing for the poor.

D)They had some of the first animal protection laws in the world Reichstierschutzgesetz including a ban on animal testing/torture & animal trapping for money (The joke was that you couldnt even boil a lobster).

E) At the outset of the war the Nazis made a 50% tax, that only affected the wealthiest Germans.

F) And hey, that Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas people love so much were started by Hassan al-Bann - with the help of Adolf Hitler and his regime. :)


I'm sorry, but just because the Nazis had those things (points A to F) as a part of Nazi German society, it does not mean that those things are bad in and of themselves-many countries around the world have those things (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, England, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, etc.) Please turn off Faux Noise, book a flight to another country, and see what said countries have and how those countries really work before opening your mouth and spewing caca from it instead of from your butt.


First, I'm guessing you don't know what an "ad hominem fallacy" is. You don't know anything about that other guy, but you felt like a personal attack and an assumption of his news channel of choice was the right way to go.

Next, the scatalogical references - really? Are we 7 years old?

Yeah well, I've lived in some of those countries you mentioned, including what used to be East Germany. There's a definite relationship to the National Socialists tried to achieve in Germany. You do realize that the "Nazi" part comes out of how the Germans pronounce "National" in National Socialists, right? The bottom line is government control of industries and people.

The NHS in England is a catastrophe. England itself is a shadow of its former self. Gun control in the UK has driven crime to levels not seen in modern history. Finland is on the edge of default. Iceland already did. France and Spain's economies are a wreck. France is being overrun by Muslim extremists, with riots being a common occurrence. Canada's economy is being saved thanks to the oil boom in the Western Provinces. The standard Canadian is subject to the Canadian healthcare system, the great and powerful go to the US. Sweden is a generation or two from not being Sweden any more. The Swedes are not repopulating but the Middle Eastern immigrants are. The Germans are trying to support the EU on their own.

It is typical for an American statist to lump all of these countries in as success stories. But it would be incorrect. Even though our economy is crippled by the current regime, we still outperform each of these countries economically at scale.

I would be guessing that you've never lived in any of these places. A visit to London for a weekend, or a backpacking trip across Europe on your parents' dime does not count. But it's only a guess, since you lumped all of these countries together as examples of socialist paradises.

It's amazing that no matter how many times you see socialism tried around the world, and the eventual disaster and human toll that follows, that you want to keep trying it. There's always someone like you who would want to force the entire populace to "do what's best for them", no matter the cost. It's sick.


All bullcaca info from Fox News and other neocon Tea Party-affiliated sites; you don't seem to have any way of looking at the world, do you?

I'm not going to do your inforsearch for you, Google is your friend. Do what I suggested before and start from there. Or not-I guess that being an ignorant neocon Tea Party stooge is all that you can do.



Wow,I fill like this. Believe in yourself before you believe in any person,place,or thing.No one knows the truth about life, but one thing is true and that's you.
