MovieChat Forums > Gotham (2014) Discussion > No screentime for Bruce Wayne in the ser...

No screentime for Bruce Wayne in the series finale.

They are doing 10 years later timelapse, yet we won't see Bruce Wayne b/c David Masseuse didn't age 10 years. ahahah. We'll only see him in Batman getup. What a joke xD


Well at least they CGI'ed his face onto the guy in the batman suit.... Selina was worse, they brought in some actress that just didn't look at all like the original Selina except for the hair. Thousands of wannabe actresses all over the place and they can't even bother to find a reasonable aged Selina. Frankly I was always impressed that the young Selina did have a slight resemblance to Michelle Pfieffer, yet for a very short screen appearance where even a bad actress would have worked given the limited dialog you would have expected them to find the right actress in terms of looks... but they didn't. I guess they were already done with the show and just cobbled together a quick ending for it without any care about continuity.


CGI'd for 10 seconds of screentime? I couldn't tell if it was a stunt-double or else.


It was mentioned in the media that the actor playing Bruce Wayne was only going to provide his voice and a face that would be digitally placed on whoever they had playing Batman because the actor wasn't big enough to fit the bat suit. So yes he was CGI'd onto the 10 second scene... Frankly I'm not even sure they needed an actor in the bat suit as I don't recall him even moving so it is possible they just stuck up an empty suit and then stitched his face on it.


Yeah, that was disappointing. Penguin and Riddler were far too easy to catch. The episode should have been 2 hours. At least the new Catwoman was fine.


I thought it was supposed to be 2 hours. This felt terribly rushed and pointless.


They didn't need David Masseuse's face and voice for Batman, he was too young to be Batman, he would've changed over ten years, you don't see the Batman actors playing him as a kid when his parents were shot, even in Superman The Movie young Clark Kent was not played by Christopher Reeve was wrong with that? Smallville couldn't do it because Tom Welling was a 25 year old playing a 15 year old when it started.
