MovieChat Forums > Gotham (2014) Discussion > I don't get the Fish Mooney hate

I don't get the Fish Mooney hate

Besides Jim's ex (Morena Bacarrin) Jada Pinkett-Smith has been one of the most tolerable female characters. If anyone female character should get alot of hate would be psycho Barbara who continuously did dumb stuff all the time. Atleast Fish had power, purpose and stability. She wasn't a damsel in distress. She gave the men a run for their money. And as far as her acting she is an over the top villain like Penguin and Riddler. I just don't get it it.

Avada Kedavra muthaf...


Disagree with you on Lee Tompkins being tolerable and Barbara being intolerable, but agree on the Fish thing. The hate is completely over the top.

Fish is a much better character than Galavan was in either of his carnations.


Fish is a much better character than Galavan was in either of his carnations.

^^^ 


I know. It's mind-boggling!


I agree that the hatred for Fish is ridiculous. She's a great character and adds to the show.



I agree. I liked Fish Mooney last year, & her return in the last episode was cool. I absolutely loved the way she shocked Hugo Strange & his assistant by totally remembering who she was (as opposed to the other villains he brought back from the Dead), when they expected her to suffer from amnesia as well.

Fish Mooney rocks!!!!!

Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?


Fish Mooney rocks!!!!!

😀 


I for one am very glad to see her back.. Most of the people that don't want Mooney back are more upset at Jada Pinkett-Smith in my opinion because of her supposed call on everyone to boycott the Oscars..


There was quite a lot of dislike for the character during season 1, long before the Oscars. I generally like Jada, but I don't care for Fish very much. I thought she was decent and had some potential at first, but the whole island prison storyline and everything that came after it really soured me on the character and the direction they took her.



Yes, but it was still boring, no one cared. Barely anyone cared during season 1, we had officially felt she was beyond redemption at that point, storywise.

Jada's acting is too over the top. I don't think anyone would follow her lead, but the writers insist on making her vital.

Galavan, Barbara, even Lee lost their appeal. IMO, Lee had more appeal when she WASN'T Jim's flame. She was a great character before they made her "the girlfriend."

Barbara is ALSO better on her own. If everyone could quit pining on Gordon, she could drop this 'crazy for Gordon' crap and we'd move on with her already! They're certainly in no rush to wed the two at this point...

The actor portraying Galavan has a really boring character to play. I don't care about his dungeons and dragons b.s. diatribes.

Yet he stole the scene a few times during the final few episodes. The writing is only a component*. IMO, Jada is too hyped to really contribute to the character.

Ever heard of Mary Sue? She's the gangsta version. Tough, bad, always has to have the last word, nothing unpredictable will occur when she's around.

Victor was annoying at first, but when he was no longer parading around killing cops for baseless pleasure, I thought, ok, not so annoying anymore.

Same with what's her name, Galavan's sister. Just don't care. The audience understands this is Batman mythos, these characters will have a bloodlust, but it is certainly more comical, IMO, than the comics themselves. It's the acting, the writing, and/or the directing. But the acting is a component if the actress doesn't seem natural at all, IMO. Perhaps she is a character that has no point in the first place and shouldn't be there? I see zero point to her. It feels like a rather simple angry convict takes center stage whenever she's around. I mean these bad guys have to be pretty dumb to not see a 'bad' calculating character like Fish - you can practically see her plotting against you - she speaks maniacally/slowly enough. You should like.. see her coming a mile away! She can be all the bad she wants to be. But what if that is not the POINT to enjoying these characters?? I don't personally feel Penguin, Ed, or the Barb/sis duo should be given a medal for their grotesque violence. Where is the complexity in this 'entertainment?' Need something else to watch than gore-po*n, no? They're better off with interaction/stories than aggrandizing grabs for titles.



The difference is that the latter three characters are far more complex, there are multidimensional aspects to said characters. There is none to Fish, she is a bad character who wants power, and is willing to torture or kill anyone who annoys her. That's about it for Fish, aside from her new superpowers.

"From a phylogenetic perspective, we are all fish!"



Not even close, Oswald wants power, and while unstable, was not fully insane, but slowly worked his way up the ladder, doing horrible things, but in a huge part feels torn by his desire for greatness and his love for his mother, whom he tried to shield from the darkness, and also desired to give her a happy life. Of course, he accomplished his goals, only to find himself dethroned, used, and his mother killed, then he newfound father, which has pushed him further into insanity and darkness. They have definitely been playing up the duality of his character in many ways. There is a LOT more progress there, and compexity than there is to Fish.

"From a phylogenetic perspective, we are all fish!"




I have no clue who the actress is and I really don't care. All I care is that one she is on I want to skip forward... I don't know really why but she annoys the hell out of me.



Why would you say that? Not all black, mixed, Asian, whatever actors are represented by ONE individual of 'their' ethnicity.

Personality is not confined to 'race.'



You are a douche bag. Nazi progressive scumbag who calls everyone a bigot because they don't like the same things you like. You described Fish as a "bad mama jama"..... it's 2016, glad to see your lingo is up to date. Go away jive turkey, no one cares about you pretending to be a "progressive" person when all you really want is for everyone to agree with your terrible opinion.



She's just so one dimensional as a character. I am bad, no one can stop me, muhahaha! The more interesting characters are the ones where they keep you guessing on their moral compass.

Men get arrested. Dogs get put down.


She's a horrible, unlikeable, predictable character that's got this annoying air of self importance.



Wow, sorry but you are horribly confining everyone to one corner.

She's just a character. Not all strong women exert control. There are different types of strength. None of these 'bad guys' are strong. They're psychopaths. You can't really root for them.

Jada herself has been prone to fantasize her personality as beyond the scope of other women. I remember thinking, she had spoken about Smith's ex as if the woman had no aspiration to behave responsibly herself when care for their joint families was involved. I thought to myself, boy, his ex must have to really pace herself with Jada around because she will talk until she has made all her points, meanwhile, this other woman has already accomplished several tasks within that time frame with the understanding of the message said preacher supposedly came up with all on her own.

It's the diva personality, not 'strong' personality I see with her. She's an extrovert, but it's rather presumptuous and narcissistic to presume that strength MUST be overt, and MUST be present at all times, and demand control.

I personally think in our society, we all need to stop speaking on the behalf of others, and do more to communicate in order to understand if that preaching is really necessary. These pre-judgments cause nothing more than office gossip, vicious attitudes of self-righteousness, IMO. Have a conversation with someone before you judge their strengths and/or weaknesses. I'm sure there are racist and sexist fanboys, and I think their mothers most likely didn't guide them properly. I don't think someone like Jada is a good example of that kind of strength though. She's a certain type. I personally am conflicted as to whether or not she is simply vain or caught in the act of striving for greatness, working with the presumption that others around her will only slow her down lest she 'put them on notice' rather preemptively/snidely first. She doesn't consider introverts, quieter people her equal either. She won't work as the maternal type for everyone. And there ARE other types of people out there. You don't need to boast greatness, it can be self-ingrained.



I think it rankled many of the Batman purists (I'm not one of them) who saw her as being invented out of whole cloth expressly for this show. And for what? To provide an origin for the Penguin. We still don't know her mysterious past and how she made her way up the chain of the Gotham mob.

It's buried under a big W. Say, what is a big W?
When we find out, we'll send you a wire.


Perhaps a Fish Mooney prequel TV Show is in order.



She's just a terrible actor, plain and simple. Why do you think she doesnt get more roles?

Ya Mama.


1.Because Hollywood has Race issues
2. She's over 40
3. She is Black!

I'm Blade brown, the Dopest, illest,hypest brotha, on the block!


That's funny. Because her own husband is over 40 and black and he gets giant roles year after year. Denzel doesn't seem to have a problem either. Nor do Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong'o, Jamie Foxx, Samuel Jackson, Laurence Fishburn, Morgan Freeman, Idris Elba, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Djimon Hounsou, Terrence Howard, Angela Basset, Tyrese, Viola Davis, Queen Latifah, Tyler Perry, Kevin Hart, or Dwayne Johnson.

Ya Mama.


It's different for black males , black women have trouble getting roles in Hollywood once they get a certain age.

I'm Blade brown, the Dopest, illest,hypest brotha, on the block!


Pretty sure that 3 out of the 4 women I listed are over 40. Your point is taken though. But the fact remains, she's still a much worse actor than all of those other women I named. I'll even throw Gabourey Sidibe and Quvenzhané Wallis on the list of black female actors that are better than Jada.

Ya Mama.


Glad your opinion isn't fact.

I'm Blade brown, the Dopest, illest,hypest brotha, on the block!


It pretty much is fact, blade. Jada is a crappy actor. Always was





She's just a terrible actor, plain and simple.

Hell, she may be a terrific actor in other things, but in this? Yeah, it's exactly what you said. It's actively uncomfortable to try and sit through her performances on the show.

WORDS MEAN THINGS! Also, before you come to bitch about a plot hole, rewatch the show/movie.
