MovieChat Forums > Gotham (2014) Discussion > Refusing a kiss from Barbara?

Refusing a kiss from Barbara?

One would have to be super gay to do that.


Shocking scene that was.


lol you say that like they don't already have a history


Gordon has moved on from Barbara he does not love her.



Agree with you 100% about that constipated faced George Clooney wannabe idiot.Someone as hot as Barbara could be banging half of Gotham as revenge sex.But it is Gordo showing off
his latest 'squeeze' at every turn.


Well he despises her now. She turned bad and he is doing everything he can to be the good guy.

Yeah well, you know that’s just like, your opinion man.


Didn't he already "tapped" that?


You're right. He should have taken her out back and raped her anally using nervous sweat as lube!

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


disagree - she's a nutcase and has almost killed him how many times. you must not have been paying attention, or have some serious handicaps.

what's interesting is that barbara gave jim his answer anyway. i wonder why.
