MovieChat Forums > Gotham (2014) Discussion > Why the Ivy recast?

Why the Ivy recast?

I liked the other girl... ah well.




Bc shes older now!


You know things are grim when they're going out of their way to make a character older...

I get the feeling it'll be on Friday night soon-ish...


whatevs. this show is just getting GOOD. i can't believe i'm saying that about a Heller show. but it IS!


The guy who ages you touched her for a very short while before she fell in the water. So I assumed it was because of that.


They wanted her to seduce men, and they thought that a young teenager who looked like an adult would be more palatable in that role.



I'm into it.



Why are you complaining


I think they want male viewers to have their jaws drop when they see Maggie Geha in that green dress.....WOW. It looks like she will only be in next weeks episode, which is too bad.


They wanted to turn Ivy into Poison Ivy faster. The original girl was too young and not easy to sex-up. Funny how fast they aged her then boom she is a murderer. There wasn't really much they could do with the original actress. Honestly when they cast the original I was thinking, not a good choice...they also rethought their casting of Ivy.



They should not have chosen her to begin with if she was to be Poison Ivy and meant to seduce and be good looking. But they could have used her more than they did cause she was interesting. They could have made her only care for plants, since people had let her down always. Mother left father shot. Plants grow on you :) They only requires a little sun and water and will always be there for you if you treat them well. Just like some people hate the humans and cast all their love on pets.

She should create poisons for people she hates, gain a huge knowledge of plants and ways to use them in bomb and potionmaking. I can see her have a mission in life, to eradicate all who talk *beep* to plants or something a bit more understandable from her points of views. It could be done. A sinister smirking child with a poisonous dagger in her hand and branches crowing from the ground to form snakes behind her head that attack at her very command.

Maybe it could work :) I did think she was an interesting character and stood out from the others.


Plants grow on you :) They only requires a little sun and water and will always be there for you if you treat them well.

"Next time remember to water." (Did I hear the line right?)

They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.


She is actually going to be a regular.

I doubt it's for the male viewers benefit (as they have useless characters like Barbara and Tabitha hanging around), it's just a case that they want to churn out as many villains as possible just in case the show is axed.

I'll reserve judgement until I see her arc play out.


P.S. Mission Accomplished
