MovieChat Forums > Gotham (2014) Discussion > Female characters suck

Female characters suck

I really enjoy gotham for the most part but their female characters are awful! Most of them either make stupid decisions left and right, are acted horribly, or are just used as plot devices...take for example selina, she is given almost no backstory of why we should care about her and in season 2 we find out her mom left but it is never explored again and she is always working with someone different, the most ridiculous one's are with fish and penguin...why the *beep* would either fish or penguin want a little girl working for them? It seems like they just don't know what to do with her character so they just make her team up with any random person....and dont get me started on fish mooney and barbara, what the hell is the point of either of them?? Especially fish mooney who the showrunners wanna shove down our throats that she's awesome when all reality, she just keeps coming back because of jada's star power....the only female character i've liked so far is dr thompkins but they seem lile theyre trying their best to get rid of her


You're entitled to your opinion... but I think Selina has a very reasonable amount of backstory. I mean, more than most any other character in the show...


I generally agree that, with the exception of Selina, the female characters are very poorly realized.

-Fish is OK, but I tend to agree that JPS is OTT, but not in a good way

-Barbara was ruined due to fan-catering when there was nothing wrong with her character to begin with. She had more chemistry with Jim than Leslie does.

-Leslie is simply a dullard. I wish they would get rid of her.


Selina and Barb are my favorites.


Do you really see more chemistry with Jin in Barbara than in Leslie? That is weird.
I hated Barbara since day 1 because her character was completely stupid and I couldn't find a chemistry with Gordon. With Leslie things are very different, probably because the actors really are in love and have a baby.

I always lamented that they did Morena Baccarin play Leslie. Dr Thompson is much older than Bruce and quite different. Morena should have played Sarah Essen character...and survive, of course.


Selina is good. I can see your point, though. I can't stand Lee. Barbara is ok. I think it's stupid they brought back Fish.


Tabitha rules.


I agree about Selina Kyle, they don't seem to know what to do with her. With the exception of keeping her around to develop a relationship with Bruce so they can have subtext when they're adults.

Selina needs to strike out on her own, detach herself from morals and build an an empire or home of her own. It would be interesting if she could face off against Fish Mooney for turf and resources.


The whole show is a mess, even for an alternate reality take on the mythos.



here comes Ivy


hmmm, I sort of see your point to a certain degree. I like most of the female characters (Selina, Fish, Lee, Barbera) but you are right when you say not a whole lot of back story happening. *SPOILER ALERT* Newfound depth to Fish in the latest episode when Penguin has her cornered in the woods and he is going to kill her, but her response when he asked why she couldn't kill him that night on the bridge was, like, wow. How could you do it after a speech like that?


I still wonder if she was playing him with that sob story. It's more like one of Oswald's moves to save his skin, but I wouldn't put it past her.

They were pretty rough, but they had something.
What was it?
I think it was the trousers.
