MovieChat Forums > Gotham (2014) Discussion > The show within itself is so polarizing....

The show within itself is so polarizing...

For example, everything Penguin or Nygma related is pretty fantastic. The scene in Arkham was awesome. Every scene with Bullock is great. I have come to really love Bruce and Alfred. Mazouz has really matured as an actor and Sean is pretty badass. Selina is great when with Bruce and Alfred. But she keeps having perplexing partnerships with Fish and Penguin for no reason at all. Gordon is hit and miss. His romances are a big miss while his cop work and his dynamics with Bullock, Nygma, Penguin etc... are fun. Lucious is cool so far. Then there are characters like Fish, Tabitha, and Barbara that just oscillate within various degrees of annoyance. So there is the full spectrum and because Gotham tried to be an ensemble with a little for everyone, the episode quality also oscillates alarmingly.


THIS! Exactly this! You are so right.
