MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > Masterpiece compared to The Last Jedi

Masterpiece compared to The Last Jedi

TLJ made this movie feel like a masterpiece and one of the best SW movies ever. I liked Rogue One, but thanks to how godawful TLJ was, this is now looking even better!
Granted, TLJ makes Jar Jar Binks look good, so its not that much of a compliment.
I just had to watch the last 30 mins of Rogue One after TLJ to get that horrible taste out of my mouth.
I don't understand how a studio that could create something like Rogue One, could create something like TLJ. Where is that quality control that Disney is so infamous for?


So true


Rogue One and Last Jedi are both masterpieces (or near masterpieces) and are far better than A New Hope and Return of the Jedi.

Yeah, I said it. Bring those laughs... I stand behind this. Disney made something super different and impressive with Last Jedi, and clearly it’s upsetting fanboys/Gary stus.


So its good just because it's different? Whats impressive about it? That it takes all the movies that came before it, and shits on each and every one of those? That it makes no sense at all? Starkiller Base gets destroyed, yet the First Order is in complete control. Why the hell is there even a First Order? What happend to the Republic? Why is there a resistance?
I didn't mind all these questions in TFA because I assumed things would get explained in the sequels and have proper lore/mythology and backstories behind it. But nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing in this film matters. Nothing in previous films matter. This First Order thing is only one of a great many thing wrong with TLJ. I can name about 1000 stuff. I won't post it here because I am not interested in writing an essay. If you need to know why people hate this thing so much, theres videos on youtube of people explaining it perfectly, bit by bit, scene by scene.


in what way was TLJ different? was it the jokes? the super flying abilities that Poe had? the swear words?, super force powers, astral projection? dude it was a fucking abomination , tailing the resistance until they ran out of gas? seeking out a code breaker to turn off the tracking , then boarding a super star destroyer with great ease and the plot lead to no where? BB8 as a slot machine then spitting out coins and taking out 4 police officers ? it was a fucking joke and Rian Johnson shouldn't be let anywhere near anything star wars related.


I can agree with "Disney made something super different".


"Rogue One and Last Jedi are both masterpieces (or near masterpieces) and are far better than A New Hope and Return of the Jedi."

LOL at you.

"Yeah, I said it. Bring those laughs.."

LOL at you again.

"Disney made something super different and impressive with Last Jedi"


"and clearly it’s upsetting fanboys/Gary stus."

"Gary Stu" is a type of fictional character, dumbass. Tell me, simp; which fictional characters are "clearly" upset that Disney allegedly "made something super different and impressive with Last Jedi"?


Disney is not Canon. Period.


couldn't agree more, in fact, Im going to watch it again today , a solid 8 out of 10 and up there with the best star wars films.




I respectfully Disagree Rian Johnson is more of complete Filmmaker Than Gareth Edwards The Last Jedi is the best of Prequels your just a Manbaby Lukes Arc Was perfect this deserved Oscar Clout Daisy Ridley is a better Lead than the Wooden Felicity who seems to be hating every frame shes in
