MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > Question for both Star Wars fans and Not

Question for both Star Wars fans and Not

I'm not A Star Wars Fan. I'm 30 years old and until recently I've never had any desire to watch any Star Wars films.

Last Year, I watch The Star Wars Prequels, and Then watched Star Wars The Force Awakens when it came out on Blu Ray.

and today I watched Rogue One on Blu Ray.

I somewhat enjoyed the Prequels, Really Liked The Force Awakens, and Loved Rogue One.

and my question is, from what I've seen and read, Star Wars Fans dont seem to be too happy With The Force Awakens or Rogue One, Yet everyone else is.

I understand why Star Wars fan are NOT happy with The Prequels, I dont need that explained.

But I would like an explanation from Star Wars Fans why they aren't happy with Rogue One and The Force Awakens...I just dont understand it, and I completely admit I may not be qualified to understand due to not being a Star Wars fan and not seeing The Original Trilogy.

For Me, Both The Force Awakens and Rogue One were damn good films. why do you think there is such a divide between almost everyone else and star wars fans, why does the overwhelming majority of almost everyone else who sees these movies like them but Star Wars fans Dont?


I really liked Rogue One and really disliked TFA. It looked great, had great music, and I like all of the actors. However, the story was terrible, like bad fan-film level terrible.

I thought TFA was just way too much of a ripoff of Episode IV. Didnt like that they made Rey's Force abilities so easy for her to acquire and then master, like 5 minutes later. I hated how I could effortlessly predict what was going to happen. Really hope Episode 8 is better.


I thought TFA was just way too much of a ripoff of Episode IV. Didnt like that they made Rey's Force abilities so easy for her to acquire and then master, like 5 minutes later. I hated how I could effortlessly predict what was going to happen. Really hope Episode 8 is better.

^^^^ this is exactly why I'm not a good judge of these movies....

Due to me not seeing The Original Star Wars films, Things like this didn't bother me or I didn't even really notice.

But I can completely understand why it would bother Star Wars fans...

Comments like this is actually the answer to my post....Things like this explain why Star Wars fans had problem with the film but The General Public didn't.


Yes, you have a great point, because if TFA was my first Star Wars or I had only seen the prequels, I would probably have a different view. Anakin also was never really shown learning the Force; he was already advanced at the beginning of Ep 2, whereas Luke's path and struggle was shown in detail in the OT.

Even though I didnt like it, Im happy that so many people enjoyed it and that they will keep making new Star Wars movies because of its success.


I liked both Rogue One and The Force Awakens. Then again, I'm not much of a movie critic, so there aren't that many films that I hate.


I'm​ not really a Star Wars fan, just regular movie-goer. I saw the original trilogy when I was little and a few times again on tv.

That being said, I don't hate TFA. I just find it ... underwhelming. Like same same, but different, but still the same. Even my dad said it's pretty much just a rehash of the old movies. He likes the prequels and doesn't seem to be bothered by Jar Jar at all.

That's why I prefer Rouge One than TFA, at least RO brings something new to the table. I will watch RO again, but if I want to watch TFA I'll just watch Episode IV instead.


I loved both R1 and TFA on first viewing, but I think R1 is going to be the fan favorite in years to come. As others have noted TFA has a painful central weakness, in that the script is a total ripoff of ANH; and the more times you watch it the more the similarities get on your nerves. I haven't seen R1 as many times but I do think it'll stand the test of time, and of a hundred viewings over the years.

How I have to say there are a set of fans who are so upset with the idea of a female Jedi that they're making a hobby out of ripping TFA and calling Rey a Mary-Sue, as if wish-fulfillment characters hadn't been a part of Star Wars since the beginning. And it's not like the derivative TFA doesn't have a hell of a lot of grounds for valid criticism, it's a fun movie to watch but a huge misstep regarding the fandom - Disney should have made something that a fan can watch a dozen time or a hundred, and on that front TFA is a failure.


I have no problem with a female Jedi, but I do have a problem with an untrained, non-Jedi --male or female-- besting a trained Sith/Dark Jedi in one-on-one combat the first time they use a lightsaber. It was just bad and very lazy writing.


I saw the original trilogy when I was a kid in late '80s and wasn't that impressed. I mean they were good movies, but I never understood the hype. The Last Starfighter did more with less. The prequels were boring, but ok. TFA somewhere in between. For me, Rogue 1 is the best of the lot. A good war movie, only set in space.


Rogue One best one!


The original trilogy was groundbreaking. Yes rogue one was good. But nothing we haven't seen before. You can't compare any of the sequels or prequels to the special effects genius of the original trilogy which remember came out in the late 1970's. No cgi back then. The whole thing was miniatures. There was nothing else even close to the effects of Star Wars back in 1977. So that's why people who grew up watching the films in the late seventies and eighties don't like putting these cgi movies in the same category. To make a ship go To hyperspace they merely push a mouse click on their cgi machine. In 1977 it took hundreds of man hours to make one ship go to hyperspace. Want a building to explode? You can't press a mouse button. You have to build and paint a miniature building and then blow it up. Watch the original trilogy and try to imagine how they did it with no computers. Unfortunately in the late 90's they remastered them with cgi which was a huge mistake and now we are getting into another topic. Eventually everyone who grew up between the two sets of film will die off and it won't matter. Just so happens to also be the last iteration to grow up without cell Phones and internet also

They also got lucky with Harrison Ford who turned out to be one of the biggest movie stars of all time. To understand that argument imagine if in twenty five years they make a pirates of the carribean without Johnny Depp. Or a seventy year old Johnny depp that DIES! You think some people who were young during the original pirates of the carribean might not care for that? It doesn't matter how good the movie is. They killed jack sparrow? With a fucking goofy ass whiny temper tantrum throwing millenial villain. Sorry I don't ever want to see that shit again, much less own it
