Two Gripes...

1. Darth Vader's casual, wiggly walk. He's supposed to stride purposefully and a bit stiffly due to carrying his own life support system around with him.

2. The unnecessary close-up of Leia's cgi face. The technology isn't good enough yet. She looked like a waxwork. It would have been enough to see the stolen plans handed to a white-cloaked figure in the distance. Less is more.


I thought they were going to do the less is more with tarkin. The first shot of him is his reflection in the window. I was taken aback when he actually turned round. Cant say leia bothers be too much for the 5 seconds or so we saw her face. What does bother me is that she and her ship were at the battle and ran away with the plans. It kinda pisses over her attempts at convincing vader that she was on a diplomatic mission. He could have said "bitch, I just saw you run away 5 minutes ago!" lol. Would have been better to have the ship that escaped the battle with the plans meet up with her somewhere else to hand over the plans. Would have helped continuity a bit.


The Leila part is obviously problematic for many. Personally, I have no problem with the way she looks. Perhaps I'll have to see it again to make up my mind, but quite frankly I didn't find the effect distracting or anything... Although I agree showing her from a distance would have worked better.

Btw, compared to the complaints others have about the movie (some understandable, others ludicrous), these two are really no big deal.


Indeed. I actually really enjoyed the movie. Those two gripes were just minor annoyances.


Movie fans would have called it out as a cheap gimmick if they saw a white hooded figure from a distance being handed the plans. No. The way they did it was reasonable and the technology to do it is nothing short of remarkable.

It will get even better for Episode IX when no doubt, they are going to have to figure out a way to show Leia's face again.
